Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Workday Wednesday–Arthur's On the Job! ~ Part 3

Welcome to Part 3 of Arthur’s On the Job!  This will be our last installment in this series.  But, don’t worry, I have more photos and stories about Arthur Harry Iverson to share with you in the future.  If you've missed the first two installments you can read them HERE and HERE.

This photo shows Arthur hard at work on a vintage car.  I’m not sure what kind of equipment he is using.  Could it be some type of diagnostic tool?

Arthur Harry Iverson Working as a Mechanic
Arthur Harry Iverson at Work as a Mechanic
Click to Enlarge

In the following photo I’ve zoomed in on the equipment Arthur was using.  Unfortunately, the photo quality isn’t high enough to see what the words are on top of the equipment.

Arthur On The Job 2 Equipment
Equipment Arthur was Using
Click to Enlarge

Thank you for joining me on this three-part tour of Arthur Harry Iverson at work as a mechanic.  Until next time….

Thanks for reading!


Copyright © Jana Last 2012


  1. My money is on a diagnostic tool (or life support!). The engineers who designed the tool are to be commended for the balance and symmetry of the top section. (By the way, I'm just now noticing your signature! It looks nice.)

    1. HA! You're funny Wendy! Oh, and I have you to thank for my signature. After figuring out where you got your awesome signature (hovering my cursor over your signature), I went to the same website. So, thanks for the signature Wendy!

    2. I found a tutorial on somebody's website (not a genealogy one). Kind of fun.

    3. Well, I'm sure glad you found that tutorial Wendy!

  2. How great to have such a photographic record of Arthur's working life.

    1. Hi Sue, Yes, having these photos of my grandpa is so amazing!

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting! I appreciate it!

  3. If my eyes are not cheating me, and sometimes they do, I read the lower line as "connect (or correct) motor test". But whether you can read these words yes or no, they are a valuable possession for the family album.

    1. Hi Peter, Wow! You're eyes are great! That DOES look like "connect or correct motor test." I didn't see that before. Thanks!

      And thanks for stopping by!!

  4. I think it is so cool to even have photos of ancestors at work. Thanks something I don't have. My grandfather was a milkman for Bordens. I have his employee badge and his 22 years of service patch. However, I have no photos of him 'on the job.' Thanks for sharing. I'm so glad you have these items.

    1. Hi Devon,

      Yes, I am so thrilled about these photos of my grandfather.

      That's cool about your grandfather being a milkman for Bordens! And to have his badge and service patch is really neat too. I think that would make for a fun future post. :)

      Thanks for stopping by!
