Monday, April 6, 2015

My 3rd Blogiversary!

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles

Yesterday, April 5, 2015, was my blog's 3rd blogiversary. I can't believe I began this blog three whole years ago! Where has the time gone?


First of all, I would like to thank all of my wonderful readers for following along with me in my family history research. I appreciate you reading my blog posts. I also appreciate your comments and sharing my blog posts on various social media sites. Thank you!


 A lot has happened since April 5, 2014. I shared some of these events here on my blog.

On August 12, 2014 I announced the exciting news that I became part of the new "May I Introduce To You" (MIITY) team at GeneaBloggers. We have a fabulous team and it's wonderful working with them. Thomas MacEntee introduced the new team members on his GeneaBloggers website.

On September 3, 2014, I shared the wonderful reason I added another name to my genealogy database. Our second-oldest son got married to a beautiful young woman. She's awesome and we're so happy she's now part of our family.

On November 3, 2014, I told you about the fabulous surprise I received in an email. A gentleman named Carl found me because I'm a contributor on Find A Grave. He had a copy of a letter written by my paternal 2nd great-grandfather, Iver Iverson, who served in the U.S. Civil War. Carl shared that letter with me, and I shared it in my blog post.

On January 5, 2015, I shared the reason I added a sweet little leaf to our family tree. My husband and I became grandparents for the first time in November 2014. Our daughter and son-in-law welcomed a sweet little baby boy into their family. He's so adorable!

On January 26, 2015, I shared the exciting news about a new cousin connection. This cousin lives in Brazil and is a very close cousin that our family knew nothing about until he contacted me.

On January 13, 2015, I told you about how my blog and I were mentioned and quoted in an article on the FamilySearch Blog. I was so surprised by this and still am. It also turns out that this same article was published in an article in The Church News  on January 16, 2015 on

On March 31, 2015, I ordered my first blog book for this blog. I got an email today saying that it has shipped! Yay! The book covers the first three months of my blog: April - June 2012. I wrote about my blog book and shared some pages from when my book was a work in progress in my blog post Fab Finds on a Brief Hiatus.


As I've done with previous Blogiversary posts, I'm sharing some of my blog stats again this year. I'm only sharing the stats from Google Analytics though. These statistics are for the year April 5, 2014 - April 5, 2015.

Acquisition Section

These are the Sources/Medium Traffic Charts. According to Google Analytics, this tells me the following:

"Source/Medium describes where your traffic comes from. The Source is the place users are before seeing your content, like a search engine or another website. The Medium describes how users arrived at your content."

This is the Referral Traffic Chart. According to Google Analytics, this tells me the following:

"The sources which referred traffic. Includes sources identified via utm_source."

It's so interesting to me that Pinterest is one of the leading referring sites for my blog. If you haven't used Pinterest yet for your genealogy blog, I highly recommend you give it a try.

Audience Section

Did you know that Google Analytics can even tell you the top ten browsers your readers use? I found this information in the Technology section.

And from the Mobile section, here are the top ten mobile devices used by my readers.

Thank you again to my family, friends, fellow genealogy bloggers, and anyone else who takes the time to read my blog posts, leave comments, and share my posts on social media. I appreciate it so very much.

Thanks for reading!


© 2015 Copyright by Jana Last, All Rights Reserved


  1. Jana, Happy 3rd blogiversary. I've enjoyed many of your posts.

    1. Thank you very much Linda! And thank you for your kind comment!

  2. Happy Blog Anniversary! May you have many more happy posts!

  3. Wishing you a happy blogiversary and many more!

  4. Congrats, Jana! Happy blogiversary! Here's to MANY more!

  5. Happy Blogiversary! It's been quite a year!

    1. Thank you very much Wendy! Yep, it really has been quite a busy, but good year around here. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. You've had a busy 3rd year. Congrats and Happy Blogiversary Jana.

  7. Happy Blogiversary and what a wonderful year you have had. Congratulations!

  8. Congrats on your blogiversary and your successes over the past year. Well done!

  9. Happy Blogiversary! Also thanks for the hints on using Pinterest and Google Analytics.

    1. Thank you very much Amy! And you're very welcome for the Pinterest and Google Analytics hints. Thanks for stopping by!

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you very much Michelle! Yes. A busy but good year. :)

  11. Happy Blogiversary and here's to many more years of wonderful blogging!

  12. Happy Blogiversary Jana! Congrats on your wonderful blog!

  13. Happy Blogiversary, Jana! You have had many good things happen this year and have helped so many with your blog. Here's to another great year on the horizon. :)
