Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tuesday’s Tip ~ Three Awesome Websites for Genealogy…Found on Pinterest!

I have three awesome websites to share with you today.  And, yes, I found them on Pinterest!  So, thank you Pinterest for helping me expand my Genealogy Toolbox.

This first website is great for those of us who have Civil War ancestors, or for those who are simply interested in Civil War history.


Battlefields of the Civil War is a very cool website.  It's a map and chronology showing the major battles of the Civil War.  It even has an animation feature.  Press the play button to see what happens.

Here’s a screenshot of the website’s start page.

There is a slider bar at the top.  You can even grab the left and right slide handles to narrow down the dates enabling you to see what battles were fought within a specific timeframe.

Hmm, I didn’t know there were Civil War battles fought in New Mexico.

Let’s click on one of those battlefields.  The Battle of Glorieta Pass has a link to the Civil War Trust website.

And after clicking on the Civil War Trust link for this battlefield, this is what you see.  There is information about that specific battle.

Mapping the Emerald Isle:  a geo-genealogy of Irish Surnames is another awesome website for those who are researching Irish ancestors.  This website shows birth surnames by county from an 1890 census.

Here’s the start page for this website.

Simply type or search for a surname on the dropdown menu at the left.  Here’s what I found with the Jennings surname.

Timeline of the Revolutionary War is a helpful website for those wanting to learn about the Revolutionary War.

Here’s the start page for this website.

Let’s say you want to learn more about The Sugar Act.  Just click on the link in the timeline, and this is what you will find.

Well, that’s it for today’s tips.  I hope these three websites will be helpful to you in your genealogical pursuits.

And thank you
Pinterest for making me aware of these awesome websites!

Thanks for reading!


Copyright © Jana Last 2012


  1. Wow. Thank you for featuring Battlefields of the Civil War.

    I had my FIRST Daily Blogging Prompt included today (it was in Tuesday's Tips as well) I finally figure out how to do it. :-)


    Grant Davis


    1. Hi Grant,

      I'm glad you like the Battlefields of the Civil War website. I think it's pretty cool!

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  2. Oh, I"m on pinterest as well.


    Grant Davis

    1. Isn't Pinterest great for genealogy? I recently joined Pinterest and am glad I did!

      Thanks again for stopping by!

  3. I just found the place a son of my gg grandfather, Stephen Sherwood, died in the Civil War and checked out the Revolutionary War site as well. I get so busy pinning that I don't take time to check out the sites I pin.


    1. Awesome find! Congrats! Good luck on your further research!

      Thanks again for stopping by!

  4. These are great websites! I'm saving the Civil War battles website, because I think it's about time I learned some fundamentals about the major battles! My ancestors were Confederates, and this war was a terrible thing, but it's important to know about it. Soon I want to see "Lincoln" with Daniel Day Lewis. You know, there's still a split between North and South in our politics, sadly. The more history we know, the closer we'll be to understanding. Thanks!

    1. Hi Mariann,

      I'm so glad you like these websites. I think that Civil War Battlefield site is especially interesting.

      By the way, I just recently read your "The Moment I Knew - Mariann's Story" on The Armchair Genealogist. Your story was masterfully written! I loved it!

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  5. Great tips, Jana. I can't wait to get on these websites tonight. Thanks so much for sharing these amazing finds.

    Hmm...think I might just have to check out Pinterest...

    1. Hi Linda,

      You're very welcome! I was glad to share these cool websites.

      I'm a new Pinterest user myself. I never thought about it for genealogy. But, I've been pleasantly surprised at it's usefulness for genealogists.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Awesome, never knew about this. Great Job!: }

    1. Hi Ezri,

      Thanks! I'm glad to be able to share these awesome websites with everyone! I hope they are helpful in your research.

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  7. great article, thank you for sharing. I have just been looking at Pinterest and just joined. Just working my way around and trying to understand how it works. your article has inspired me to look into it quickly. :)

    1. Hi Diane,

      I'm so glad you found this post helpful! I have been pleasantly surprised by the how useful and fun Pinterest can be.

      Thanks so much for stopping by!
