Thursday, November 15, 2012

Those Places Thursday–Webster Family Road Trip: Arizona and Nevada

This is part of a series of posts dedicated to the immigration story of Debs Webster and his family.

My Grandpa Debs and his family are on the road again.  My uncle remembers that they visited Grand Canyon National Park on their way to California.

Unfortunately, I don’t have any photographs or postcards from their visit there.    But, there are postcards from Las Vegas, Nevada in Grandpa Debs' Scrapbook.  These postcards were between the postcards from Utah and California.  Whether this means Debs and his family actually stopped in Las Vegas on their way to California, I don’t know.

But, it would be a logical place to stop for food and fuel along their way to California, so I’m going to assume they did stop there.  With that in mind though, I’m not sure if they visited The Grand Canyon before they visited Las Vegas, or if it was the other way around.

If they visited the Grand Canyon first, here's a map showing their possible route from Manti, Utah to the Grand Canyon. 

Googlemap from Manti, Utah to Grand Canyon
Click to Enlarge

The following photos are from the National Parks Service.  They are stunning views of the Grand Canyon.

Grand Canyon Mather Point - NPS Public Domain
Grand Canyon Mather Point
NPS - Public Domain Photo
Click to Enlarge

Grand Canyon Mather Point 2 - NPS Public Domain
Grand Canyon Mather Point
NPS - Public Domain Photo
Click to Enlarge

Grand Canyon Mather Point 3 - NPS Public Domain
Grand Canyon Mather Point
NPS - Public Domain Photo
Click to Enlarge

If Debs and his family visited the Grand Canyon before stopping in Las Vegas, here is a possible route from there to Las Vegas, Nevada.

Googlemap from Grand Canyon to Las Vegas
Click to Enlarge

And here are those Las Vegas vintage postcards from Grandpa Debs’ Scrapbook.

The Tropicana Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada pg. 1

The Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas, Nevada  pg. 1

I Should Be Home Soon Las Vegas Vintage Postcard pg. 1

Debs Webster and his family are getting SO close to their new home now, although I’m sure they didn’t look like that poor fellow in the last postcard.  The next stop on their road trip is California, the place they would call home for the rest of their lives.

Thanks for reading!


Copyright © Jana Last 2012


  1. What fun post cards. Those hotels look swanky even back then. I've been to the Grand Canyon. The first time I saw it, I thought someone had hung a fake backdrop because it was so amazing.

    1. Hi Wendy,

      Those postcards are pretty fun aren't they?

      I've never been to the Grand Canyon. It really must be an amazing site to see. It's too bad my Grandpa Debs didn't take photos of their visit there. Oh well.

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  2. Jana, I was going to say that your grandpa was the traveling-est guy I know...until I read your last sentence. Feels like you've posted so many stories on his travels, but I hadn't realized that a good deal of it was a journey out west to settle in California. He certainly stopped in some beautiful locations on the way! And even if you don't have photos from some of the stops, those postcards are great!

    1. Hi Jacqi,

      Thanks so much for your sweet comments! I'm glad you liked the postcards. Grandpa Debs, being the son of my "traveling dentist" great-grandpa, must have been somewhat used to traveling. But yes, this series of posts is about he and his family's immigration from Brazil to California.

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  3. Grandpa was quite a traveling-est type of guy. Jana will hopefully post in the future about the years he and grandma lived in a 35 foot motor home....

    1. Hey there Brent! You know, when I think about it, Grandpa really DID travel a great deal in his lifetime; first because of his dad, and then on his own accord. Interesting!

      And yep, Grandpa and Grandma did travel a lot in that motor home in later years. Thanks for the reminder!

      And thanks for stopping by, dear brother of mine. It means a lot to me to know you are reading my blog. :-)
