Friday, October 12, 2012

Follow Friday–Fab Finds for October 12, 2012

My Fab Finds for this week are (in no particular order) -
  1. Fun with Search Terms AND Why I Blog: Cousin Bait Reels in a Big One by The We Tree Genealogy Blog
  2. Researching in Azores and Portugal- Useful links by My Portuguese Gen
  3. The Bride Wore A Gray Gown by Adventures in Genealogy
  4. Mystery Monday: Part 2 Man on the Run - The Getaway by Jollett etc.
  5. Hot Off the Press: Becoming an Excellent Genealogist AND Let’s Go to Genealogy Boot Camp! AND Can you use Pinterest for Genealogy? by FamilySearch Blog
  6. Wondering About Webinars? by A Sense of Family
  7. Ignorance:  The Biggest Threat to Family History by Destination:  Austin Family
  8. Have We Lost the Art of Writing Compelling Letters? by Olive Tree Genealogy Blog
  9. Treasure Chest Thursday: Let’s Talk DNA by Finding Forgotten Stories
  10. We want a moo-vee, we want a moo-vee, we by The Reluctant Genealogist
New Blog Discovery
Thanks for reading!

Copyright © Jana Last 2012



  1. Lots of helpful links here, Jana! I saw that post last night about Pinterest on the FamilySearch blog. I followed the link there on the Pinterest post for the author to his own blog, which looks helpful, too, especially for "technology & genealogy" topics. And your new blog discovery entry for this week promises to be a fun read!

    1. Hi Jacqi,

      I'm so glad you like today's Fab Finds post! I was also really interested the the post about Pinterest, as I am a now have a Pinterest account. In fact, I'm currently in the process of adding genealogy websites to my "Genealogy Websites" board.

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  2. Darn - I've been avoiding Pinterest - it seems to be yet another way for me to spend too much time sitting in front of the computer! But you two and others are a-l-m-o-s-t making me re-think that decision! Great finds, by the way, Jana. Thanks for posting such interesting items.

    1. Hi Celia,

      I also hadn't been using Pinterest in the past either...but I succumbed. It's actually pretty fun!

      And if I can connect with a cousin, or help someone with their genealogy, then it's all good. But I know what you mean about having one more thing to keep us sitting in front of the computer.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Hi Jana,

    So many great links you have posted here. I will have a lot to read during the weekend visiting all them.

    I appreciate a lot that you choose my blog as one of the 10; we are like a big family helping each other in our researches.


    1. Hi Isabella,

      I hope you enjoy the blog posts I've listed here. And you're very welcome for listing your great blog post!

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  4. Thanks so much for including my post in your round-up of Fab Finds, Jana. You've got lots of great posts here, and I look forward to exploring them all.

    By the way, I've also been hesitant to adopt Pinterest, because I'm afraid of sinking too much time into it. But I may just have to give in!

    1. Hi Shelley,

      You're very welcome! I hope you enjoy reading the blogs listed.

      As far as Pinterest goes, yes, I've spent some time setting up my boards, but hopefully once they are all set up, it won't take too much of my time to maintain and update them periodically.

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  5. I hadn't thought of pinning websites to my Pinterest Genealogy board, but I have pinned genealogy "things" like artistic family trees. (And again, thanks for the mention.)

    1. Hi Wendy,

      You have a Pinterest Genealogy board? I'll have to try and find it. And you're very welcome for the mention.

      Thanks for stopping by!
