Saturday, September 1, 2012

Sepia Saturday 141–Timeless Treasures ~ Grandma Ingrid’s Books of Remembrance

Sepia Saturday provides an opportunity for genealogy bloggers to share their family history through photographs.

The Sepia Saturday photo at the end of this post shows an old country store.  The photo provides a variety of themes we Sepia Saturday participants could write about this week.  The potential theme was “time and time again.”  I’ve decided to tweak the theme a bit and share with you two timeless treasures in our family.

These timeless treasures are my Grandma Ingrid’s Books of Remembrance.

Ingrid Anna Gilberg's Two Books of Remembrance
Photo of Ingrid Gilberg
and her
Books of Remembrance
Click to Enlarge
My father, Jan Albert Iverson, inherited his mom’s (my Grandma Ingrid's) genealogy “stuff” after she passed away.  Among those items were two Books of Remembrance.  I discovered these timeless treasures not too long ago while I was over at my mom’s house.

Following the death of my dad in 2009, I started doing research on his side of the family.  He was researching his family lines and I’ve been researching my mom’s side of the family.  Now I have the privilege of researching the ancestry of both of my parents.

Grandma Ingrid’s Books of Remembrance are chock full of photographs, documents, pedigree charts, family group sheets, written life stories, and more!

You can imagine how absolutely thrilled I was as I perused the contents of these timeless treasures.

I’ve already shared with you a photo from the pages of the Aqua Book of Remembrance in my previous post Workday Wednesday–Arthur's On the Job! ~ Part 1And I’m looking forward to sharing many more photos and the stories that go with them from these amazing books.

Timeless -- ageless, everlasting, eternal…yes these Books of Remembrance truly are Timeless Treasures to the descendants of Ingrid Gilberg.

Thank you Grandma Ingrid for taking the time to create these wonderful books.

If you have the time, please click HERE to see what other Sepia Saturday participants have taken the time to write this week.
Sepia Saturday 141 September 1, 2012
Thanks for reading!


Copyright © Jana Last 2012


  1. I love your take on TIME and timeless treasures. Thank you!

    1. Thanks so much Kathy! And thanks for taking the time to read and comment! :)

  2. Those are indeed timeless treasures. I have inherited lots of photos but not much information in the way of charts and stories. I'm jealous!!

    1. Hi Wendy! I am really grateful to my grandma for her putting together these amazing books!

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  3. We should all have grandmothers like yours. What a treasure! Look forward to your further blogs.

    1. Hi Peter, Yes, I can't believe all the time and effort she put into these wonderful books.

      Thanks so much for reading and for your kind comments. I really appreciate it!

  4. That "stuff" sure does include a wealth of timeless treasures. You are so fortunate to have received that collected record of your heritage!

    1. Hi Jacqi,

      Yes, I do consider our family very fortunate indeed!

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  5. I look forward to seeing more of what is inside your timeless treasures!

    1. Hi Kathy! And I look forward to sharing these treasures too!

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  6. Your grandmother obviously knew the importance of keeping family records, and your father the importance of keeping the books of family records. What treasures! I'm looking forward to seeing more of the insides of the books.

    1. Hi Nancy! Thanks so much for reading and for your comments! I really appreciate it.

      I really am so gratefel to both my grandma and my dad for keeping these family records.

  7. Ingrid looks very pretty, how fortunate that she was also wise enough to create her books of remembrance so that we can enjoy their contents years later.

    1. Hi Little Nell,

      Thanks so much for your kind comments! I appreciate them very much.

  8. How wonderful! I can imagine how exciting it must have been to peruse your grandmother's collected treasures all at once in one place ... very nice.

    1. Hi ljhlaura,

      Yes, the proverbial "kid in a candy store" type of feeling would be a good way of describing how it was to look through those amazing books.

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  9. I love the mystery! ...and timeless treasures!

    1. Thanks Karen! I appreciate you reading and your comments!

  10. How wonderful for you to have such books! Each one must be like a treasure chest full of priceless gems. I haven't found anything like that in my family. I look forward to reading more about what you find inside!

    1. Hi Shelley,

      Yep, those books are like treasure chests full of priceless gems. I love that analogy of yours!

      Thanks so much for stopping by! I really appreciate it!

  11. Yup, she knew how to use her time and capture time.

    1. Yes, she sure did. And I'm so grateful for that. :)

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  12. How wonderful to have such timeless treasures. I look forward to reading more on what you discovered in the books.

    1. Hi Sue,

      I really am very thankful to my grandma for these amazing books.

      Thanks so much for stopping by! I appreciate it!

  13. I can't help wondering how is that our family don't seem to have ever had a treasure trove like yours. Fascinating records to have. I have trace my father's family back to the early 1800s but only through census records.

    1. Hi Bob,

      Perhaps the treasure trove is out there somewhere residing in the attic or basement of a distant or not-so-distant relative. :)

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  14. Hi Jana! Wow, lucky you, and I totally understand your excitement (having received a bunch of stuff myself in January). I like how your grandmother has hers all put together nicely in two books. That gives me an idea. I have been scanning and organizing on my blog, but the next step would be putting things in scrapbooks in some kind of order eventually. Also, it is so nice for you to have things from both sides of the family at your own home now. Yay!!!

    Kathy M.

    1. Hi Kathy, I'm so glad these books have inspired you with how to organize your genealogy "stuff." My grandma even organized the books with tabs separating sections such as Ancestry, Married Life, and even Hobbies-Activites.

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  15. What a treasure Grandma Ingrid left for you. This is a genealogist's dream come true. Hope you will post some of the items from the book in future posts.

    1. Hello Queen Bee, You are so right about these books being a genealogist's dream come true! And yes, I'm definitely planning on posting some of the treasured items from these books in future blog posts. :)

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  16. It makes me think we all should leave behind a book of remembrances. I think future generations would really appreciate it.

    1. Hi Christine, Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! I appreciate you reading and commenting. And I totally agree with you that we all should leave a Book of Remembrance (or 2 or 3 even) for our descendants. I know I really appreciate that my grandma took the time and effort to put together her Books of Remembrance.

  17. Timeless Treasures indeed, Jana. I'm positively envious :-) Jo

    1. Hi Jo,

      Yes, these books really are treasures to our family! I'm so grateful for them.

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  18. What a treasure.

    My dad loved genealogy before he passed away a few years ago. Before he died, I acquired an old family photo album noone in the family knew about. It was an old 19th century photo album with over 50 photos in them. He was very excited to see them and knew his research would be in good hands after he passed on. I wrote a blog post or tow about it in my own blog.

    Regards, Jim
    Genealogy Blog at Hidden Genealogy Nuggets

    1. Hi Jim,

      How exciting for you to acquire that old family photo album! And it's wonderful that your dad could see it before he passed away.

      Thanks so much for stopping by! I appreciate it.
