Saturday, July 14, 2012

Sepia Saturday 134–Sarah Webster Holding Her Sweet Little Baby

Sepia Saturday provides an opportunity for genealogy bloggers to share their family history through photographs.
Sepia Saturday 134 July 14, 2012

Sarah Vasques Madeira Holding Her Daughter (My Mom)
Today’s Sepia Saturday theme suggests babies.  What a fun theme! 

Recently my mom let me borrow one of her old photo albums and in it was this amazing photograph of her as a baby with her mother, Sarah Vasques Madeira Webster.  This photo, along with others in this album, are new discoveries to me since I don’t remember ever seeing them before.  The above photograph of Sarah and my mom was taken in Brazil in 1939.

I’ve written about Sarah before in a previous Sepia Saturday post here and in a post here regarding the circumstances of her untimely death.  My mom was only four years old at the time of Sarah’s death.  Seeing the two of them together like this is very special indeed!

To read what other Sepia Saturday participants have written about this week, just click  here.

Thanks for reading!


Copyright © Jana Last 2012


  1. That is a lovely photo. Even more precious given her short life. I had to take a second look at her shoes!

    1. Thanks for stopping by Kathy! It really is a precious photo. And I love her shoes too.

  2. Your grandmother just didn't quit with her style! Look at those shoes. And she's obviously smitten with that fair-haired baby girl.

    1. Hi Wendy! You're so right about her style! I just love her shoes too.

  3. Thanks for the post and linking to the previous post about Sarah's death. It makes me feel how excited you were to find this gem of a photo.

    1. Hello Devon, Thanks so much for taking the time to read my post and for your comments! I appreciate it!

      And yes, it's so fun to see these photos of Sarah and my mom.

  4. What a great surprise for you to discover family photos you've never seen before! It's always exciting when that happens. This is such a sweet photo and a treasure for your family since there probably aren't too many photos of your mother & grandmother together. BTW I also noticed gram's hat & shoes - so stylish!

    1. Hi Queen Bee,

      It really has been fun to look through my mom's photo album and see these precious photos.

      And yes, I love grandma's hat and shoes too. :)

  5. Indeed, what an incredibly precious photo. I know how special it is when you find a photo like this that you weren't expecting. Happy for you that you have had a chance to look through your mom's photo album.

    1. Yes, this really is a precious photo. It really is neat to see my grandma and my mom together.

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  6. Your grandmother was a beauty. It is so sad that she died so young and that your mother had to see and remember it. I can imagine the excitement and emotion that you felt when first looked through that album.

    1. Hello Sharon, Thanks so much for your kind comments. You're right, it was very fun to see these photos in my mom's album.

  7. How glamourous Sarah is - and I had to zoom in on her shoes as well! It's always lovely to find "new" family photos :-) Jo

    1. Sarah's shoes caught my eye as well!

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  8. I can see why you would treasure this photo. How sad for your mother to lose her so young. She seemed very pretty and elegant.

    1. Hello Little Nell! Thanks for stopping by!

      Yes, this photo is a treasure for sure.

      Thanks for reading my blog and for you comments. I appreciate it.

  9. Replies
    1. Hi Anne, Don't you just love those fashions from the 1930's and 1940's? So fun!

  10. Grandma's quite a lady. A precious photo, I'm sure.

    1. Thanks Bob! This photo really is very precious. Thanks for stopping by!
