Friday, July 13, 2012

Follow Friday–Fab Finds for July 13, 2012

This week was a short week for me in terms of Genealogy Blogging.  I just got back from a camping trip with my family, so I didn’t read any genealogy blogs from Wednesday through Friday.  My fab finds for this week only include posts through Tuesday, July 10.  With that in mind….

My Fabulous Finds for this week are (in no particular order) -
  1. Genealogist's Signature Bag by Crafty Family Tree
  2. To Clean or Not to Clean... by The Adventures of Andrea and Alisha ~ Genealogy Blog
  3. Norway’s Oldest Shoe – 1400 BC by ThorNews
  4. Small but sweet celebrations and milestones... ripe plums and a blogiversary by Rosehaven Cottage
  5. Involve Your Extended Family in Family History by FamilySearch
  6. Sorting Saturday: Starting a Narrative Lineage and Tuesday’s Tip — Ask Ancestry Anne’s Top 20 Search Tips by Finding Forgotten Stories
  7. How do you end a genealogy blog post or story by Blogging Genealogy
  8. 6 Ways for Writers to Overcome Perfectionist Tendencies and It’s Time to Get Intentional About Blogging by Jeff Goins
  9. About that Move to Ireland . . . by GeneaBloggers
  10. Tombstone Tuesday by sassygenealogist
  11. Those Places Thursday: A Kaleidoscope Perspective by Wisteria
  12. At What Cost, Gaining an Education in Genealogy by Gopher Genealogy
  13. Tombstone Tuesday: Power of the Unexpected by A Patient Genealogist

New Blog Discoveries


  1. Thanks so much for the mention!

  2. Thanks for including A Hundred Years Ago on this list. There are some awesome blogs on the list and I'm honored to be included.

  3. Wow! Thanks so much, Jana...I really appreciate my 'Tombstone Tuesday' post being included in your list!

    1. You are very welcome Carla! Have a great weekend!

  4. What a pleasant surprise to have Rosehaven Cottage included in your list! Love and hugs to you!!!!

    Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

  5. Thank you so much for including GopherGenealogy in your list of Fab Finds for this week. I look forward to visiting some of the other listed blogs. Blogging is a wonderful outlet for genealogists and meeting with fellow bloggers is the best part.

  6. I think this is your best list to date. I'm especially impressed with how two bloggers approached Tombstone Tuesday. I usually use this theme as a quick, cheap, throw-away post to fill the day, but these bloggers have a more worthwhile approach that I will incorporate in the future.

    1. Hello Wendy! So glad you like the list!

    2. Wendy... I might have been one of those posts and if so, then I'm completed speechless. If I'm not, I'm still so humbled to be acknowledged by Jana. Thank you.

  7. Jana... I didn't really think anyone would appreciate my blog other than my mother, and maybe my aunt. Thank you for the honor of mentioning my blog A Patient Genealogist.

    Now... to read all the other items you mentioned. It's quite impressive considering you went camping (hope that was great) and didn't have a 'full week'.

    1. Thanks for stopping by D Lee! You have a great blog. And I'm happy to be able to share it on my Fab Finds list.

  8. Thanks for the wonderful list. Enjoyed reading about Norway's oldest shoe! Also glad to see 100 Years Ago, one of my favorites, among your new discoveries.

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by ljhlaura! The article about Norway's oldest shoe was so cool I just had to include it on the list.

      And the blog 100 Years Ago is so awesome too. What a great idea for a genealogy blog.

  9. I just saw this as I was looking at the traffic to my little blog...thank you from my heart to yours! I have made your lists a few times, I am starting to BLUSH!

    Happy Hunting,
    by The Adventures of Andrea and Alisha ~ Genealogy Blog

    1. Hi Alisha, Aw, you're so sweet! Thanks for stopping by!
