My Norwegian Ancestry

Welcome to My Norwegian Ancestry Page!

My father, Jan Albert Iverson, was half Swedish and half Norwegian.  His dad, Arthur Harry Iverson was Norwegian and his mom, Ingrid Anna Gillberg was Swedish.

Arthur Harry Iverson
Ingrid Anna Gillberg

My Dad - Jan Albert Iverson

My Norwegian ancestors mainly came from Seljord and Bo in Telemark, Nes in Buskerud, Kristiansund in Romsdal, and Nord Aurdal, Lom, and Vestre Slidre in Oppland.

Here is a partial surname list of my Norwegian ancestors.  A full listing would be way too long!

  • Iverson (American spelling)
  • Iversen (Norwegian spelling)
  • Thorsdatter
  • Stenersen
  • Oldsdatter
  • Amundsen
  • Iversdatter
  • Olsen
  • Hansdatter
  • Toreson
  • Nilsdatter
  • Knudsen

Below is the pedigree chart for Arthur Harry Iverson, my Norwegian grandfather.

NOTE: This family tree is still a work in progress. As with any family tree found online, please don't just copy and paste without checking for accuracy. And if you do find any inaccuracies in my tree, please let me know. Thank you!

If you'd like to see what beautiful Telemark, Norway looks like, just click on the link below.  I would love to visit Norway some day!  It looks so amazingly gorgeous!

Telemark, Norway 360 Sky Cam -

© 2012 - 2024 Copyright by Jana Iverson Last, All Rights Reserved


  1. You say: 'Buskerud, Telemark and Oppland', and perhaps we may dig up some pictures for you, but could you possibly be a bit more exact?

    1. Hi,

      Thanks for your amazing website about Norway! And thanks for visiting my blog.

      Nes, is one of the places in Buskerud that keeps popping up in my ancestry. And Nord Aurdal is mentioned several times for Oppland in my ancestry as well. As far as Telemark goes, Seljord and Bo appear frequently. Is there an Aarmodt in Bo?

      Thanks so much for stopping by! I really do appreciate it!

  2. So thats what pages can do! I had no idea, I am loving browsing through your blog!

    1. Hi Patricia,

      You are so kind! I got a lot of great ideas for my blog by looking at other people's blogs. So you are welcome to browse away! And if you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact me by email.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. My Norwegian ancestors on my mother's side were from Bø, Telemark, and further back some came from Seljord. Maybe we're cousins!

    I am both Norwegian and Swedish too; my mother's father was half Norwegian, and my father's mother was 3/4 Swedish and 1/4 Norwegian.

    1. Wow! That would be so cool if we discovered we were cousins. It's always awesome to make new cousin connections. Please let me know if you come across any of the surnames in the list above or in the family group sheet. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Hei Jana :)

    I was so happy to stumble onto your blog, as it has helped me finally crack the mystery of who my three times great grandfather was. His name, according to my sources, was Peder Kristoffersen, and he was apparently born in Kristiansund, Norway, but I could neither find him nor any parents anywhere. It turns out he was the brother of your three times great grandfather Michael Christian Christophersen, and thanks to you I now have their parents' names as well :) Thanks! Also, I guess we are 6th cousins. I compared out DNA on GEDmatch and it doesn't show up, but you do get a good match when compared to my grandmother :) Might I ask what sources you used to find dates of birth et cetera for the Norwegian line? Most of the church records for Kristiansund have been lost, so all I could find were cencuses.

    1. Hello Cousin!

      Thank you so much for contacting me! I'm so excited to know that my blog has helped you find your ancestors. This makes me so happy. :)

      Regarding my Norwegian line, I inherited most of my information from my father. His mother (my grandmother) hired a professional genealogist many years ago. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if the genealogist researched our Norwegian lines or only concentrated on our Swedish lines.

      It would be great to chat with you via email. My email is I look forward to hearing from you. :)
