About Me

I am a wife, mom, and grandma living in sunny California. My husband and I have five wonderful children, an awesome son-in-law, three amazing daughters-in-law, and eleven adorable grandchildren. Besides family history research and blogging, I enjoy reading, singing, watching classic movies and musicals and spending time with my family.

I began my family history research following the death of my maternal grandfather, Debs Warren Webster, who passed away in 1994. Debs was born in Brazil and my dad's ancestors were from Norway and Sweden. I just assumed I didn't have any kind of family history tied to the early history of the United States. But, after looking through family photos and documents belonging to my grandfather, Debs Webster, and through further research of my own, I discovered I was very wrong. Needless to say, my family history research has been a very interesting, enlightening, and fun (yes, I said fun) journey of discovery.

I have served as a Family History Consultant and taught a family history class for six years at church. I have also previously served as a volunteer librarian at our local Family History Center. I've also had the opportunity to serve as an Official Blogger for the BYU Conference on Family History & Genealogy in July 2015, as a RootsTech 2016 Ambassador, and as a RootsTech 2023 Influencer.

In April 2022 I graduated with an Associate of Applied Science in Family History Research degree and a Bachelor of Science in Professional Studies degree from BYU-Idaho.

I hope you will follow me as I share my past, present, and future family history discoveries with you.

© 2012 - 2024 Copyright by Jana Iverson Last, All Rights Reserved


  1. I just stumbled onto your web site. We both are researching you Waterman ancestors. Not sure if you know or care, but you may have 4 mayflower lines in there.

    Bob Lufkin


    1. Hi, So are you a Waterman descendant? If so, where do you fit in on the family tree? Concerning the Maflower lines, I know of one. I descend from Dr. Luther Waterman, Revolutionary War Surgeon, who married Phoebe Barker. She is a descendant of Elder William Bewster of the Mayflower. Thanks for stopping by!

      Best Regards,


    2. I have just been introduced to your Blog via Cow New Hampshire that you highlighted in a recent Blog post. I am interested in the Waterman line as my maternal great grandmother was Cora Waterman, born 4 July 1853 in Hope, Maine to Lewis Waterman and Hannah Payson Waterman. This line can be traced directly back to Mayflower passenger, Isaac Allerton. Of course I'm interested in learning how/if you tie into this line. I had my DNA analyzed via Ancestry.com last year and have uncovered a number of potential cousins, but haven't had the time etc to pursue many of these possibilities. I have not yet publicly posted my family tree on Ancestry as I would like to understand more about their privacy guidelines. Would love to hear from you. Judy Buswell Laconia, NH judithb@dbstamps.com

    3. How interesting Judy! Thanks for contacting me! Unfortunately, I don't have your Lewis Waterman or Hannah Payson Waterman in my family history database. I do have a Mayflower ancestor too. He was Elder William Brewster. :)

  2. My name is Kemp Waterman . I live in Canada . My sister and I are doing a family tree in our spare time . We traced ancestors back to England and Scotland in the 1650's . Waterman was my fathers last name and Kemp was my mother's maiden name and we traced them both to the U. S. Google Kemp Waterman Buntin . You may find many more relatives . There are some very interesting relatives on both sides and we are all related as is everyone in the world .Unfortunately not everyone in this world respects their brothers . Keep looking I know I will .

  3. Hi Jana

    Thanks for adding 'Laws Family Register' to your 'Fab Finds' The Register was started by me way back in 1984 as a response to 'Laws' enquiries I was getting mainly from the US, Canada, and Australia.

    Since then I have collected over 40,000 LAWES & LAWS as well as over 49,000 LAW names, nowadays I concentrate on LAWES and LAWS. I also joined the Guild of One-Name Studies in 1984 (see www.one-name.org). Currently I live north of Lincoln UK with Lorna my long suffering wife of 37 years and Danny and Poppy our 14 year old Briitsh Blue Cats, we are looking to move to Scotland as soon as we can find a house, Im writing this fron a southbound express coming home from another fruitless search this time from our favorite spot North Berwick which lies a the mouth of the Firth of Forth sone 20 miles East of Edinburgh Scotlands metropolis and capital

  4. Hi Jana
    I made some silly mistakes setting up Google accounts and blogs if you are able or willing to advise
    please mail me at registrar[at]lawsfamilyregister.org.uk

  5. Hi Cousin,

    I have been looking for the Waterman family history and stumbled across you website. Here is the link that I have to the Robert Waterman my 9th Great Grand Father.

    Robert Waterman (1612 - 1652)
    is your 9th great grandfather

    John Waterman (1642 - 1718)
    son of Robert Waterman

    Robert Waterman (1681 - 1750)
    son of John Waterman

    Samuel Waterman (1718 - 1787)
    son of Robert Waterman

    Oliver Waterman (1760 - 1833)
    son of Samuel Waterman

    Oliver Waterman Jr (1787 - 1864)
    son of Oliver Waterman

    Alanson H. (Rev.) Waterman (1817 - 1887)
    son of Oliver Waterman Jr

    Charles B Waterman (1857 - 1895)
    son of Alanson H. (Rev.) Waterman

    Maude Louise Waterman (1886 - 1963)
    daughter of Charles B Waterman

    Marvis Belle Hollenbeck (1907 - 1993)
    daughter of Maude Louise Waterman

    Willma Sharp (1932 - 2011)
    daughter of Marvis Belle Hollenbeck

    Gwendolynn Sharp
    You are the daughter of Willma Sharp

    You can contact me at gsharp1153@gmail.com. I will also contact you on Facebook.

    1. Hi Gwen! Thanks for contacting me on Facebook and here on my blog! It's great to meet you!

  6. This is such a great and helpful page - thank you

  7. Hi there, I love your website! A lof of information and great categories.
    I'm a Dutch genealogist, doing this hobby since I was a teenager! It's just ao addictive.
    If there is anything I can help you with, Dutch/Belgian documents, I'm offering my help for free to anyone who's reading this.
    I've written dozens of blogs, my website is www.yory.nl it has a translation tool.
    Greetings from the Netherlands!

  8. Hi Jana's Genealogy and Family History Team,

    My name is Anuj Agarwal. I'm Founder of Feedspot.

    I would like to personally congratulate you as your blog Jana's Genealogy and Family History has been selected by our panelist as one of the Top 100 Genealogy Blogs on the web.


    I personally give you a high-five and want to thank you for your contribution to this world. This is the most comprehensive list of Top 100 Genealogy Blogs on the internet and I’m honored to have you as part of this!

    Also, you have the honor of displaying the badge on your blog.

