Friday, February 7, 2020

Yearbook Find ~ My Mom's Senior Picture

In my previous post Yearbook Find ~ My Mom, Member of Future Business Leaders of America, I shared a photo of my mom as a member of the Future Business Leaders of America when she was a senior at Pomona High School.

Today I'm sharing another photo from that same 1957 yearbook. This time it's her senior picture. I've added arrows pointing to her senior picture and her name.

I cropped her picture and name.

We have a colorized version of this photo already. But it's great to see it in her high school yearbook. It verifies that the colorized photo we have is her senior picture.

While looking through photos for this post, I found another photo that looks like it was taken in her senior photo session. It's a different pose. She was looking the other way. I'll share that in a future post.

Thanks for stopping by!


© 2020 Copyright by Jana Iverson Last, All Rights Reserved


  1. Jana. Don’t you just love the yearbooks? Your Mom was very pretty. I’ve had so many good finds. A surprising find was my Dad's senior photo. I have this photo of him and have had for years. I had no idea it was a senior photo because the date on the photo puts him at 20 years of age. Sure enough, that’s how old he was when he graduated. I found his first wife and his best friend in the same yearbook. Surprise!

  2. I love how those photos reflect the era. The hairstyles of both the boys and girls, the girls all in crewneck sweaters, boys in ties, jackets, and white shirts, and all the girls wearing pearl necklaces. It could only be the 1950s. Ten years later, boys had long hair, girls had long hair with bangs, no one wore pearls or proper sweaters or ties and jackets.

  3. Great find, Jana. Looking at old yearbooks is such fun. I often think how mature the graduates of the 1950s and before looked compared to today's grads. They were ready to meet the world as adults (or at least they looked that way).
