Thursday, January 31, 2019

My 2013 Blog Book

In a previous post I shared photos of the second blog book I created. I used Blog2Print to make that book. In that post, I told you I'd created two more blog books using Blog2Print, one for 2013 and one for 2014.

Today I'm sharing a few photos of my 2013 Blog Book with you.

I decided to try a different cover for my 2013 book.

Here are a few photos from the inside of my new blog book.

The photo above shows the first page from the Table of Contents. Blog2Print creates this Table of Contents automatically, which I really appreciate. When I created my first blog book using Blurb, I had to create the Table of Contents manually.

One thing I learned while using Blog2Print, is that captions under photos don't seem to line up properly in the printed book. You can see an example of that in the photo above on the left page. The bold print and the words "Click to Enlarge" under the diploma are supposed to be centered under the photo.

I'll be sharing my 2014 Blog Book in a future post.

Thanks for stopping by!


© 2019 Copyright by Jana Iverson Last, All Rights Reserved

Saturday, January 12, 2019

My Second Blog Book

In a previous post, I shared the exciting news that the blog book that I created using Blurb had arrived. I also included a few photos of my book. The blog book covered April - June 2012 of my genealogy blog. I began my genealogy blog on April 5, 2012.

I do like how it turned out, but using Blurb for my blog book was a laborious process. In order to have my blog book look the way I wanted it to, I ended up having to take a lot of time and effort to add my blog contents to the book manually. I didn't use any "slurping" process for the book. I had to place the photos and text on the pages manually and I had to create the Table of Contents manually too.

I didn't create another blog book for a number of years after that first book. In July of 2018 I decided to create another blog book which covered July - December 2012 of my genealogy blog.

For this new book I used Blog2Print instead of Blurb. It was so much easier and quicker than using Blurb. Blog2Print doesn't have the full editing capabilities of Blurb, but the ease of use makes it worth it. Blog2Print "slurps" the pages of your blog and creates a Table of Contents automatically, which is great. You can also edit some things, like choosing which posts to include in your book, choice of page layout, whether or not to have page breaks, text style, and photo size. You can also add pages to your book, which I have done in the blog books I've created.

Here are a few photos of my first blog book using Blog2Print. I think it turned out well, even though it doesn't look exactly like my blog online. At least the content is in the book, which is the most important thing.

I even added this page with bonus family photos. The opposite page has a note from me to the readers of my book.

I'm glad I finished up year 2012 of my genealogy blog in book form. For my 2018 Christmas gift, I created two more blog books using Blog2Print, one for 2013 and one for 2014. I'll share those in future posts.

Thanks for stopping by!


© 2019 Copyright by Jana Iverson Last, All Rights Reserved