Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Enter to Win a Free 4-Day Pass to RootsTech 2018

How would you like to attend RoostTech 2018 for free? Yep. That's right. I said FREE.

What is RootsTech you ask? It's the world's largest family history technology conference. And it's super fun and exciting! Imagine spending four days with people who share your passion for family history.

As a RootsTech 2018 Ambassador, I have the awesome opportunity to give away a FREE 4-day pass to RootsTech 2018!

This free 4-day pass ($279 value) includes the following:

What this free 4-day pass does not include: Airfare, meals, hotel, luncheon events, paid workshops, or other expenses.

You say you've already purchased a RootsTech pass? No problem! If the winner has already purchased a RootsTech 2018 pass, they will get a full refund. How cool is that!?

The winner will receive a certificate with instructions on how to redeem their 4-day pass.

RootsTech 2018 is being held February 28 - March 3, 2018 in the Salt Palace Convention Center in Salt Lake City, Utah.

The winner will be chosen at random using Rafflecopter and will be announced on November 28, 2017. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks for stopping by!


© 2017 Copyright by Jana Iverson Last, All Rights Reserved


  1. I would absolutely love to go as I have never been to RootsTech (shocker, I know)! This would be my first time.

  2. I'd love to go to Roots tech this year! I missed going last year :(

  3. I'm so excited about RootsTech! I had never heard of the conference until I began listening to genealogy podcasts at the end of 2016. Once the conference was over, I listened to people's experiences and how much they learned, the people and connections they made, and the excitement they had to enhance their own research. So for me, this is what I want for myself - a recharge in my knowledge, research tips, connections, and new friends in the genealogy community.
    What do I have to do at RootsTech? Meet Bernice Bennett, Lisa Louise Cooke, George Morgan, Drew Smith, Scott Fisher, David Allen Lambert, Tom Perry, Angela Walton-Raji, Carol Kostakos Petranek, Kenyatta Berry....and the many researchers I've connected with on Twitter, Facebook, and AncestryDNA! In other words, I have a lot of work to do outside of the classes!

  4. Who doesn't want to go to RootsTech? Great Time with Great People and Great Learning!

  5. Oooooh! I would love a free ticket! :)

  6. I'm looking forward to bringing my mom along this time who has always been my genealogy cheerleader, but hasn’t come before to RootsTech.

  7. Thank you for the opportunity ! It’s my first time to attend!!

  8. Rootstech is certainly a high point of my winter! I introduced my sister to it a couple of years ago and now it's something that we enjoy doing together.

  9. Thank you for the opportunity! I'd be most grateful to win! RootsTech is AMAZING!

  10. I am newly addicted to this great work of Family History and have never been to Roots Tech! Please pick me! I am hoping to share my incredible story of Belgian Family History and learn from others :)

  11. Thank you all for your comments and for entering the contest! Rafflecopter will be choosing the winner at random soon and the winner will be announced tomorrow. Good luck contestants!
