Thursday, August 17, 2017

I'm Still Here....

Ragged Point, California

Just wanted to write a quick note to let my readers know that I'm still here. My blog has been on hiatus for a while now. We've been busy around here. I've been spending time with family, and we're also trying to settle into our new home, specifically with decorating and furniture purchases, etc. That sure does take a lot of time and research (at least for me) with a brand new home. It's such a blank canvas. And I want to get it right. So, for now, our walls are blank (sigh) with no photos or artwork up yet. But, I'm hoping that we will figure all that out before too long.

So far, our summer has included trips to the Central California Coast, the birth of our second grandchild, spending time with family, hosting a baby shower for our daughter-in-law who is due any day now with our third grandchild, and the engagement of our oldest son. Such fun, happy and exciting times!

With the upcoming birth of our third grandchild any day now, my blog may still be a bit quiet in the near future. But hopefully, I will be getting back to my normal post schedule in the not too distant future.

Thanks for stopping by!


© 2017 Copyright by Jana Iverson Last, All Rights Reserved


  1. All good reasons to take a break. Focus on your current adventures, Jana. We'll be here when you get back!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful time in life---enjoy!

  3. Congratulations on all the happy news. I am guessing those blank walls might include a family tree. ha!
