Friday, October 7, 2016

Fab Finds on Hiatus

Just a quick post to let you know that my weekly Fab Finds posts will be on hiatus until further notice.

In a previous post I shared the news that we bought a new house and are in the process of selling our current home. I am happy to tell you that we have received an offer on our current home and it is now in escrow!

Escrow closes a month from today and our new home is scheduled to be completed at the end of January 2017, which means we will be moving twice. We will be moving into our temporary rental home by the end of October.

As you can imagine, we have a lot going on around here including packing for our move. Hopefully things will settle down a bit once we move into our rental home and then I will be able to get back to my usual blogging schedule.

Thank you for your patience!


© 2016 Copyright by Jana Iverson Last, All Rights Reserved


  1. Hoping your moves go smoothly - Will look forward to your return.

  2. Congratulations on getting the contract on your home!

  3. Great adventures lie the time you settle in to your new home, you'll have heaps to blog about. Wishing you a trouble free time

  4. Congratulations Jana! Now you have to pack up and move all that genealogy material. :-) If you have not already done so , you might add to your list a few minutes to go around your present home and take photos of the inside and the outside as it appears while living there. I did this when my parents sold the home they lived in for 30 years or so. The home saw four children transition from childhood to adulthood.

    1. Thank you John! Such a great idea to photograph our home!

  5. Good luck, Jana, and happy to hear you've sold your house. Agree with John Tew's comments about photographing the house, but of course I'm sure you did that already. I did it when I moved last year, photographing both full of possessions and empty. Enjoy your new home.

  6. Glad to know that Fab Finds will be back sometime. Best wishes with your moves - such a busy year for you.
