Wednesday, May 25, 2016

We Love and Miss You Mom Last

Jean Last

My dear mother-in-law, Jean Last, passed away yesterday morning.  She was 90 years old. She had suffered from Alzheimer's Dementia for many years.

Before Alzheimer's Dementia took hold, my mother-in-law was a very well-read, sharp-minded and knowledgeable woman. She was a gospel scholar and taught early-morning seminary for a total of 30 years. Seminary is a gospel class taught to high school students. The course of study centers on the scriptures. She also taught the adult Sunday School class, called Gospel Doctrine, at church for many years as well.

My mother-in-law was also very politically active. She even ran for congress twice!

Jean was a brilliant woman. She was also kind and compassionate, and was a wonderful mother and mother-in-law.

She is now free from her frail body. What a joyful reunion she must be having now with her husband, Charles, and other family members.

Photo Above: Charles and Jean Last in 1969.

We love and miss you Mom Last! But, we know that because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ, death is not the end. We can all be together again someday.

I'm so grateful that families can be together forever.

Thanks for stopping by!


© 2016 Copyright by Jana Last, All Rights Reserved


  1. I'm so sorry for your loss. Scott's mom just passed from the same illness earlier this month. It is hard to lose parents and in laws. I'm so grateful for the atonement of Jesus Christ. Families are eternal!

    1. Thank you Amy. I'm sorry for your loss too. Hugs to you and your family.

  2. Jana, What a warm tribute to a woman dedicated to life and learning. Alzheimers is a terrible disease. RIP

    1. Thank you Linda. Yes, Alzheimer's is such a cruel and terrible disease.

  3. That's a lovely tribute to her. Even though she is in a better place, with those she loved who have gone before her, I know you and the family left behind will miss her. I'm sorry for your loss.

  4. Jana, Whata beautiful tribute to your mother-in-law. Sounds like she was a wonderful devout person to both her church and family. She will be missed by you all. Sorry for your loss.

  5. Prayers for your family. It is always hard to say goodbye, even when you know it is time for them to go.

  6. I'm so sorry for your loss, Jana. What a beautiful tribute to your mother-in-law. It sounds like she was a vibrant, energetic, gospel-oriented lady who left her mark on many, many people. Blessings to you and the rest of her family.

  7. Jana, So sorry about your loss. I truly hope that the wonderful memories of your mom-in-law's love of family, love of life, and love of faith will give you some comfort during this sad time. All my best to you and yours.

  8. I'm so sorry she's gone, but know she has gone on to better things. She had a beautiful smile and she sounds like she was an amazing woman.

    1. Thank you Michelle. Yes, it is comforting to know that she is happy and herself again and has gone on to better things.

  9. I'm like to extend my sympathy. My thoughts are with you and your family.
