Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Getting Ready for RootsTech 2016 ~ Genealogy Calling Cards

Can you believe that RootsTech 2016 is less than a month away? Yep! That's right! It begins next month on February 3rd. I'm getting things ready for my trip to RootsTech. I bought some warm gloves so my hands won't freeze like they did during a previous visit to Utah during winter.

I already have my rolling backpack from when I attended the BYU Conference on Family History & Genealogy as an official blogger last July.

Something else I already have are business cards. Another name for them could be genealogy calling cards or contact cards. I ordered them from Vistaprint so I could take them to the BYU Conference last July. I'm very happy with them.

Here is the front of my genealogy calling card.

And here is the back of the card.

I gave away several of them at the BYU conference.

And last October, while I was hosting a table about genealogy blogging at the Fresno County Genealogical Society's Annual Seminar which featured the amazing Lisa Louise Cooke, I gave lots of my calling cards away.

I'm so excited that I get to attend RootsTech in person! Will you be attending too? Please let me know. And if you can't attend this year, there will be live streaming classes available to view. You can also follow along on my blog and my other social media sites for posts from RootsTech. For a list of where I can be found online, check out my website at Jana's Genealogy and Social Media Hub.

Thanks for reading!


© 2016 Copyright by Jana Last, All Rights Reserved


  1. I also bring along a sheet of small address labels that fit on raffle tickets. That way, I don't waste time filling out contact information on the backs of the tickets.

  2. Jana, I love your cards! I'm sure you will have many occasions to hand those out.

  3. Jana, I love your calling cards! On mine, I also list the main surnames I'm researching so I can leave these at historical societies, genealogy clubs, and other places where they can be tucked into a file and pulled out if someone else comes along researching the same surname(s). Enjoy your conference experience!

    1. Thank you Marian! That's a great idea to list the surnames your researching. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Very Nice Calling Cards! I have some made up. It is a great idea to do this. Love your graphic!!

    1. Thank you Grant! The picture on the front of my card is a photo I took during a visit to Point Lobos State Natural Reserve. :)

  5. I am so excited. This will be my first RootsTech and I can hardly wait!!! Any special hints?

    1. Hi Marianne, I'm so excited too. And this will be my first time attending RootsTech in person as well, so I don't know that I have any special hints to offer you. I'm sure other bloggers who've been to RootsTech in the past have great tips to share though.

  6. It will be my first time, too, Jana. I look forward to meeting you in person!

    1. It's going to be awesome to meet so many of my fellow GeneaBloggers in person at RootsTech! See you there Elizabeth! Thanks for stopping by!

  7. What a great idea! I carry business cards, of course, but I don't have anything for my "other life" as a genealogy blogger. I would dearly love to attend the conference at some point, but probably not this year as I'm not sure I'll be fully back up to snuff, walking-wise.

    1. Thank you Leslie! I hope you can make it to RootsTech sometime in the future. I hope you heal quickly from your surgery. :)
