Monday, August 10, 2015

Genealogy Blogger Meetups at the BYU Conference on Family History & Genealogy

One of the really fun aspects of attending the BYU Conference on Family History & Genealogy was the opportunity to meet fellow genealogy bloggers. I've been friends with them online for quite a while and it was fabulous to finally meet them in person.

I made sure to take pictures with all of my wonderful blogger friends.

Peggy Lauritzen, author of Always Anxiously Engaged, was so welcoming to me. She really helped me feel at ease at my first national genealogy conference. She's a dear sweet lady. We had lunch together at the Morris Center on Tuesday, which was the first day of the conference. She was also a presenter at the conference.

Left to Right: Jana Last and Peggy Lauritzen

Another sweet and kind fellow blogger that I was able to meet in person was Janet Hovorka, Development Director at Family ChartMasters and author of the blog The Chart Chick. She is also the author of the Zap the Grandma Gap books and workbooks. Janet truly is a delightful person. I so enjoyed getting to know her better. In addition to manning the Family ChartMasters vendor booth in the main hallway, Janet was a presenter at the conference.

Left to Right: Jana Last, Janet Hovorka, Peggy Lauritzen

It was also my pleasure to meet Valerie Elkins, another sweet and wonderful blogger friend. Valerie is the author of the blog Family Cherished. She also was a presenter at the conference. Valerie is an amazing and lovely person and it was wonderful to get to know her better.

Left to Right: Valerie Elkins, Jana Last

Janet, Valerie and I went out to lunch together on Wednesday. It was so fun!

Left to Right: Janet Hovorka, Valerie Elkins, Jana Last

One of the other official conference bloggers was Lynn Broderick, author of The Single Leaf. She was very helpful and kind and it was great to meet her.

Left to Right: Lynn Broderick, Jana Last

This is Sue Maxwell, author of the Granite Genealogy blog. What a wonderful person she is! I met Sue in the vendor hall while she was helping at the The Family History Guide booth. It was so fun talking with her.

Left to Right: Sue Maxwell, Jana Last

Renee Zamora, author of Renee's Genealogy Blog, was in the main hallway manning the RootsMagic booth the entire conference. It was great to finally meet Renee.

Left to Right: Renee Zamora, Jana Last

I also finally got to meet The Ancestry Insider in person. Lynn Broderick had the fun idea to take photos of us together with him.

Official Conference Bloggers - Myself, The Ancestry Insider and Lynn Broderick.

Left to Right: Jana Last, The Ancestry Insider, Lynn Broderick
Photo Courtesy of Lynn Broderick

Thank you Lynn for allowing me to use your photos in my blog post. They turned out better than mine did. And thank you for the idea of getting us together to take these fun photos with The Ancestry Insider.

Left to Right: Jana Last, The Ancestry Insider, Lynn Broderick
Photo Courtesy of Lynn Broderick

I'll be sharing more about the BYU Conference on Family History & Genealogy in future posts.

Thanks for reading!


© 2015 Copyright by Jana Last, All Rights Reserved


  1. That looks like it was loads of fun!

    1. It really was a lot of fun Jo! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Great pictures Jana! I'd say conferences is a great new hobby for you. I've never met anyome that ive so quickly become fast friends with. You are always welcome to stay with me if you ever want to come to a conferencr around here. Love ya!

  3. Looks like you all had a blast!

  4. Jana, looks like you are having fun. Aren't conferences supposed to be about learning & studying & being serious? Just kidding. If more people knew about the fun elements conferences would be even more crowded. ha!

  5. Looks like you had a great time! I've been away from the blog world for many months, and it was fun to return to your blog and see such a positive post. I look forward to learning more about your experience at the conference.

    1. Thank you! Yes, I did have a great time at the conference. Welcome back to blogging!

    2. Thanks - good to be back!
