Friday, July 10, 2015

Follow Friday ~ Fab Finds for July 10, 2015

A Note to my wonderful readers: Fab Finds will be on hiatus for the next three weeks. My schedule is full of exciting events in the coming weeks. Our youngest son will be returning home from serving a two-year mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He has been serving in Arizona and is coming home next Friday! Yay! We are so excited!

We also will be having family in town for about a week, which will be so fun. And I will be attending the BYU Conference on Family History & Genealogy as an official conference blogger. The conference will be held July 28-31.

Fab Finds will return on August 7, 2015. Thank you!

My Fab Finds for this week are (in no particular order)
  1. What Keeps Us from Writing? by Marian Pierre-Louis, author of Marian's Roots & Rambles
  2. Evan Rasmussen, Genea-Miracles and Mondays with Myrt by Pat Richley-Erickson, author of DearMyrtle
  3. How DNA & Persistence Revealed My Secret Heritage AND 5 Mobile Apps for the Avid Genealogist by Amie Bowser Tennant for RootsBid Blog
  4. Organizing Old Family Photos With the Parking Lot System by Denise Levenick, author of The Family Curator
  5. Buffalo Soldier Recruitment Letter Among Freedmen's Bureau Documents by Angela Y. Walton-Raji, author of My Ancestor's Name
  6. Where the Streets Have “New” Names by George Conklin, author of Quiet Echoes In Time
  7. Using Etsy for Genealogy by Thomas MacEntee, author of GeneaBloggers
  8. BLOGGERS’ RESEARCH TOOLBOXES & RESOURCES AND GENEAGEM DISCOVERED – WHATWASTHERE by Linda Stufflebean, author of Empty Branches on the Family Tree
  9. Discover Dentistry Degrees by Joanne Cowden, author of Researching Relatives
  10. Searching With A !Bang by Denise Olson, author of Moultrie Creek Gazette
  11. Tuesday's Tip: The Wonders of Voter Registration Books by Wendy Mathias, author of Jollett Etc.
  12. New website collections by Tami, author of Relatively Curious About Genealogy
  13. Got Norwegian Ancestors? Check out this immigration map by Lorine McGinnis Schulze, author of The Olive Tree Genealogy
  14. Passing of Boyd K. Packer, Long Time Friend of Family History by Ancestry Insider, author of The Ancestry Insider
  15. 2015 Ohms Family Reunion by Amy Archibald, author of Revealing Roots and Branches
  16. Legacy: Searches and more searches by Michele Simmons Lewis, author of Ancestoring
  17. Using History to Tell Your Family Story by Kate for LegacyTree Blog
  18. 4 Tips to Identify Unknown Family Photographs by Lisa Lisson, author of Are You My Cousin?
  19. CHASING SOURCES by Beth, author of Life in the Past Lane
The 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks Challenge by Amy Johnson Crow, author of No Story Too Small -

"May I Introduce To You" Interviews on

New Blog Discoveries

In Case You Missed Them….My Contributions to the Blogosphere This Week

Jana's Genealogy and Family History Blog
Jana's Place

Thanks for reading!

© 2015 Copyright by Jana Last, All Rights Reserved


  1. Hi Jana, thanks for including my blog this week. Looking forward to reading the others who made the cut this week.

  2. Thanks for including my blog. I hope you have a lovely time with your son and family and look forward to the return of you Friday fab finds.

    1. You're very welcome Tim! And thank you for your kind words!

  3. Thanks for the listing! It's always nice to be noticed...And it's a motivation to spend a little more time at it!

  4. Jana, thanks for the mention! I always look forward to your weekly list and am so appreciative that you've included me. Enjoy the time with your family!

    1. You're very welcome Joanne! I'm so glad you enjoy my weekly Fab Finds posts! And thank you for your kind words. I'm really looking forward to spending time with our family. :)

  5. Jana, Thank you for again mentioning not one, but two of my posts this week!

    1. You're very welcome Linda! Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Thanks for listing my blog on your list. It's was quite the shock, hope you're enjoying the blog and I'm reading through yours now.
