Saturday, May 2, 2015

Fun Times in Utah

I thought I'd write a quick blog post to share with you why my blog was so quiet last week. The reason was that my husband and I traveled to Utah to attend our son-in-law's graduation from BYU-Provo. He graduated with a Bachelor's and a Master's degree in Accounting. We're so proud of him!

On our way home, we visited Zion National Park. We'd never been there before. Wow! What a stunningly beautiful place!

We spent part of Monday, April 27th and most of Tuesday, April 28th in the park. We didn't even see all there is to see though. We'll definitely need to go back some day.

The shuttle service within the park was wonderful and very well-run. The shuttles travel along the Zion Canyon Scenic Drive. Including the Visitor Center, there are nine shuttle stops along the Drive.

I took this photo at the Court of the Patriarchs shuttle stop.

This informational plaque tells visitors about these stunning sandstone cliffs.

In case it's difficult to read this plaque, here's what it says:

"Named for three towering figures of the Old Testament, these sandstone cliffs hold court over Birch Creek Canyon and this section of the Virgin River. In 1916 Frederick Vining Fisher, a Methodist minister, gave the religious names to the peaks. Today it is not hard to imagine how the grandeur of this view could inspire such reverence."
At the Zion Lodge stop, we hiked on the Emerald Pools Trail.

Here are a couple of photos I took while walking along this gorgeous trail.

I took so many photos during our visit to Zion National Park that I filled up two memory cards and part of a third card! Don't worry, I won't be sharing all of the pictures here though. I will be sharing more photos from our trip on my Jana's Place blog in the future.

Thanks for reading!

 © 2015 Copyright by Jana Last, All Rights Reserved


  1. Looks so beautiful! I must go there someday. I know you are so proud of your son.

    1. Thank you Andrea! I do hope you go to Zion National Park some day. It's absolutely gorgeous. And yes, we are so very proud of our son-in-law. :)

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Wow! Congratulations. And what a gorgeous park. My husband's been there, but I haven't. So onto the bucket list it goes.

    1. Thank you Marian! Oh yes. I hope you get to Zion National Park sometime. It really is a beautiful place. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Love Zion! It was my playground as a child and young adult. My most favorite thing to do is hike at night under a full moon and with flashlights on the Canyon Overlook Trail (East canyon - through the tunnel). Going there again in June! Thanks for the beautiful pictures.

    1. Thanks Amy! What an amazing playground for you! We didn't go on the drive up to the tunnel. There's just so much to see in Zion National Park. We definitely need to go back. How fun that you're going back in June. Have a great time!

  4. What a beautiful place and great photographs! Thanks for sharing these, and congratulations to your son in law.

  5. Beautiful photos, Jana. That park is on our list to places we want to visit.

    1. Thank you Colleen! I do hope you visit Zion National Park some day. It's gorgeous!

  6. Although there is always the concern about flash floods this time of year in Zion's, it is nonetheless the perfect time of year when it comes to the temperatures. Mid summer the heat can be brutal there (espcially in the non air conditioned shuttles!) You got some beautiful pictures and it looks like you had a lot of fun. Congrats to the son-in-law!

    1. Thank you Michelle! Oh yes. I can only imagine how hot it must be in Zion's in July. I hadn't even thought of what that must be like in the shuttles at that time of year. It was even a bit warm the Tuesday afternoon we were there. It must be almost unbearable in the hot summers. I'm glad we decided to go during the spring. It was so beautiful!

      Thanks for stopping by!
