Monday, November 10, 2014

52 Ancestors: #45 ~ Another David Bassett Waterman

This is part of the "52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks" Challenge begun by Amy Johnson Crow, author of the blog No Story Too Small.

In September, I shared a 52 Ancestors post about my 5th great-grandfather, David Bassett Waterman. Today, I'd like to introduce you to another David Bassett Waterman in my family tree. I actually have four David Bassett Waterman's in my family tree!

The David Bassett Waterman I'm introducing you today is my 3rd great-granduncle and son of my 4th great-grandparents, Dr. Luther L. Waterman and Phebe Barker. Luther's father was the David Bassett Waterman I mentioned at the beginning of this post.

Ya, it can get confusing. Perhaps this small descendancy chart will help.

David Bassett Waterman Diagram 14pt 3

From now on in this post, I'll be referring to Luther's son David, and not to my 5th great-grandfather.

David Bassett Waterman was born on 17 Mar 1798 in New York. He married Maria Frederica Eckhart on 19 August 1827 in Athens County, Ohio. Maria was born around 1805 in Munich, Germany to her parents John Jacob Echkart and Mary Fein.

David and Maria were the parents of seven daughters.

  1. Mary Maria Waterman (1827-?)
  2. Martha Anne Waterman (1833-1910)
  3. Amelia  Melissa Waterman (1837-?)
  4. Josephine Lovina Waterman (1837-1911)
  5. Louisa Lucette Waterman (1839-1907)
  6. Lucinda Emily Waterman (1842-1898)
  7. Phebe Hannah Waterman (1846-?)

I found some interesting information about David Bassett Waterman in the book Waterman Family, Descendants of Robert Waterman, Volume 1 by Donald Lines Jacobus.1

On pages 567-568 is the following:

From an old family account: "David Bassit Waterman, named Bassit for Captain Bassit, an ancestor that was killed on board his ship by pirates. He married Maria Fredericka Eckhart. Of this union seven children were born. Seven girls, namely, Mary, Martha, Amelia, Mellissa, Josephine Lovina, Louisa Lucetta, Lucinda Emily, Phoebe Hannah, named Hannah for a great aunt, Hannah Brewster.* They were strict Methodists and always the M. E. preachers made their home with them during the quarterly meetings and revival meetings, the church house being on their farm very near to their dwelling house. The children listened to a great deal of witty talk and many college stories from these divines, as well as much praying and reading of the Bible. The mistress of the house was handsome, humble, dignified, and reserved, as well as a good cook, and hospitality was a characteristic of both master and mistress of the place."
* Her great-aunt was Hannah Barker; but the Barkers had Mayflower ancestry.

I'm so thankful that Donald Lines Jacobus researched and wrote about my Waterman ancestors. I've been able to find some wonderful and interesting genealogical treasures in these books.

David Bassett Waterman passed away on 3 March 1851 in Coolville, Athens, Ohio. He was almost 53 years of age at the time of his death. He was buried in the Bethel Cemetery, which is located in Coolville, Athens County, Ohio.

Thanks for reading!


© 2014 Copyright by Jana Last, All Rights Reserved

1 Jacobus, Donald Lines, and Edgar Francis Waterman. The Waterman Family. Vol. 1. New Haven, CT: E.F. Waterman, 1939. 567-568. Print.