Wednesday, September 17, 2014

A Very Nice Surprise – The One Lovely Blog Award

Last week I received a very nice surprise. I was nominated for the "One Lovely Blog Award" by Randy Seaver, author of Genea-Musings.

Here are the rules for this award:
  1. Thank the person who nominated you and link to that blog
  2. Share Seven things about yourself 
  3. Nominate 15 bloggers you admire (or as many as you can think of!)
  4. Contact your bloggers to let them know that you've tagged them for the One Lovely Blog Award
Thank You

Thank you so much Randy! I truly am honored to be nominated by you!

Seven Things About Me
  1. I'm the oldest of three children. I have two younger brothers.
  2. I was named after my father, Jan Albert Iverson. His first name plus the first initial of his middle name equals my name, Jana.
  3. I used to watch football with my dad when I was growing up and actually used to play tag football with the neighborhood kids. I still like football to this day and enjoy watching college football with my husband.
  4. When I was a kid, my brothers and I, and other neighborhood kids, would ride our bikes to a creek that was behind a nearby elementary school. We would play there and catch crawdads (crayfish) and pollywogs (tadpoles). We would also play lots of games outside during the summer with the neighborhood kids. Those were such fun and carefree days! My brothers and I knew it was time to come home when my dad would whistle.
  5. I got my first job the summer after I graduated from high school. I got a job at Standard Oil/Chevron Corporation at their corporate office building in the financial district in San Francisco, California. I worked in the Word Processing Department. I took several business courses in high school, including four years of typing. I can still type at a pretty fast speed to this day. My latest online typing test score was 87 words per minute. While at the Word Processing Department, I worked as a Typist, Senior Typist, Word Processing Operator, Data Entry Clerk, Proofreader, Computer Operator, and I even worked for a brief time in the Photo-Typesetting Department. Before I got married, I was able to take some educational leave so I could attend Brigham Young University. I worked at Standard Oil/Chevron Corporation until my husband and I had our first child.
  6. While I attended Brigham Young University, I took ballroom dance classes. I love dancing!
  7. While my husband was completing his Electrical Engineering degree at U.C. Davis, I had my own little typing business for a while. I was a stay-at-home mom, but this was a way to earn a little extra money for the family. We had two small children by the time my husband graduated. My typing business was called "The Last Word" typing service. (Yes, a play on our last name, haha!) My clients were college students.
15 Bloggers I Admire

Oh, this is a hard one. There are so many awesome blogs out there. It's quite difficult to choose only 15. Thankfully, because I write a weekly Fab Finds post, I still have the chance to feature many of the wonderful blogs I follow and admire in future Fab Finds posts.

Also, I know some fellow bloggers don't really appreciate receiving awards. I hope they won't mind if I nominate them anyway, since I do admire their blogs. With that said, here's my list (in no particular order):
  1. Jollett Etc. by Wendy Mathias
  2. A Southern Sleuth by Michelle Ganus Taggart
  3. Growing Little Leaves by Emily Kowalski Schroeder
  4. Mexican Genealogy by Moises Garza
  5. The Legal Genealogist by Judy G. Russell
  6. Grace and Glory by Becky Jamison
  7. Ancestors in Aprons by VeraMarie  Badertscher
  8. Are My Roots Showing? by Jenny Lanctot
  9. DNAeXplained - Genetic Genealogy by Roberta Estes
  10. Genealogy With Valerie by Valerie Hughes
  11. The People of Pancho by Leslie G. Robertson
  12. Who Knew? by Debi Austen
  13. Genealogy à la carte by Gail Dever
  14. Organize Your Family History by Janine Adams
  15. No Story Too Small by Amy Johnson Crow
Contact Bloggers 
I will be contacting the fifteen bloggers on my list, unless they see this post and contact me first.

Thanks again Randy for nominating my blog for the "One Lovely Blog Award!"

And thank you to all of my wonderful readers. I appreciate you stopping by and reading my blog. And thank you for your comments too. I know your time is precious, so the fact that you take the time to read and leave comments means so much to me.

Thanks for reading!


© 2014 Copyright by Jana Last, All Rights Reserved


  1. Replies
    1. Oh! I don't know about that Jill. But thank you! You are very kind! =)

  2. Thank you, Jana. I appreciate the vote of confidence so very much!

  3. Indeed, yours is a LOVELY blog and you're a LOVELY blogger. Being included in your list is quite the compliment, and now I must strive to do better and be better. Thanks so much for the nomination.

    1. Aww, thank you Wendy! You're so sweet! And you're welcome for the nomination. I love your blog!

  4. Thanks SO much for the nomination. It amazes me (in a good way) that you included me with all these other wonderful bloggers. And, yes, YOUR blog is definitely a lovely blog! ~Emily

    1. You're very welcome Emily! You have a wonderful blog! And thank you for the compliment about my blog. You're very sweet!

  5. No surprises here---you definitely belong among Randy's list of lovely blogs (and lovely bloggers). I just love your blog.

    Thank you for nominating my blog! Coming from you, that means a lot.

    1. Thank you so very much Michelle! You're so kind! I really love your blog too. You are an amazing writer. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Congratulations, Jana, on a well deserved award! Thanks for keeping us in touch with great blog posts week in and week out.

    1. Thank you very much Shelley! I appreciate your kind words. =)
