Tuesday, September 23, 2014

52 Ancestors: #38 ~ David Bassett Waterman, My 5th Great-Grandfather

This is part of the "52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks" Challenge begun by Amy Johnson Crow, author of the blog No Story Too Small.

In last week's 52 Ancestors post, I introduced you to Phebe Barker, who was the wife of Dr. Luther L. Waterman. Luther and Phebe are my maternal 4th great-grandparents.

Today I'd like to introduce you to Luther's father, David Bassett Waterman, my maternal 5th great-grandfather.

David Bassett Waterman was born on 9 September 1725 in Norwich, Connecticut to his parents John Waterman and Elizabeth Bassett. He was baptized on 22 September 1725 in Norwich, Connecticut.

The image below shows David Bassett Waterman listed as the son of John with his baptism date of September 22, 1725. The red arrow is pointing to David's name.1

Connecticut Church Record Abstracts - Norwich

David married Anne Bartlett. They were the parents of six sons.
  1. John Waterman (baptized 6 November 1748 – 1818)
  2. David Waterman (baptized 26 February 1749 – ?)
  3. Samuel Waterman (baptized 24 March 1751 – ?)
  4. Dr. Luther L. Waterman (baptized 25 March 1753 – 9 September 1807) [My 4th great-grandfather]
  5. Asher Waterman (31 July 1755 – 2 May 1827)
  6. Frederick Waterman
At least two of David and Anne's sons served in the American Revolutionary War, one of whom was my 4th great-grandfather, Dr. Luther L. Waterman.

I found the following information about David Bassett Waterman in the book Waterman Family, Descendants of Robert Waterman, Volume 12
The Hartford Courant, issue of 4 Oct. 1809: "Died, at Salisbury, Mr. David Waterman, formerly of Norwich, aged 84 years." Salisbury church records: "Mr. Waterman" died of consumption, 26 Sept. 1809, aged 85. These records, with the disappearance of David from Norwich and the reappearance of his family in Salisbury, and family records and traditions, make the identification reasonably certain.
I'm really grateful to own the Waterman Family, Descendants of Robert Waterman books by Donald Lines Jacobus. It's a three-volume book series. The family history information in the books is wonderfully sourced by Mr. Jacobus. I'm so glad Mr. Jacobus decided to research and write about my Waterman family.

From the information found in Volume 1 of this book, it appears that David Bassett Waterman passed away on 26 September 1809 at Salisbury, Connecticut due to consumption. Unfortunately, I don't know where David was buried.

I will be sharing more about my Waterman ancestors in future posts.

Thanks for reading!


© 2014 Copyright by Jana Last, All Rights Reserved

1 Ancestry.com. Connecticut, Church Record Abstracts, 1630-1920[database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: 2013.Original data: Connecticut. Church Records Index. Volume 84 Norwich. Connecticut State Library, Hartford, Connecticut. Pg. 365.
2 Jacobus, Donald Lines, and Edgar Francis Waterman. The Waterman Family. Vol. 1. New Haven, CT: E.F. Waterman, 1939. 129. Print.


  1. Jana, the further we go back in our generations, the harder it is to gather information & sources. The Waterman Family Book must be a treasure for you!

    1. Hi Colleen,

      Yes, the Waterman Family Book really is such a treasure! I'm so grateful to have it. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Three volumes! When Mr. Jacobus researched the Watermans, he must have done a lot of driving, written a lot of letters, and spent countless hours in courthouses. What a gift he left you and other Watermans.

    1. Mr. Jacobus really did leave a wonderful gift to our family as well as the rest of the Waterman descendants. Thanks for stopping by Wendy!

  3. I can not believe you are so lucky as to have had Donald Lines Jacobus write about YOUR family!! Are you related to him or did he just write a book about your ancestors? Either way, that's incredible----tons of beautiful family photos AND the man regarded by many as the "father" of genealogy wrote volumes about your ancestors---how lucky can you get Jana?

    1. Hi Michelle,

      I don't know of any family connection to Mr. Jacobus. But I do know how lucky I am to have had him write about our Waterman family. The Waterman books are so well sourced. I'm grateful for his thorough research and documentation. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Hi Jana - You know I always enjoy reading your blog. So, I have nominated you for the "One Lovely Blog Award." You can see the post here http://www.michiganfamilytrails.com/2014/09/one-lovely-blog-award.html
    Thanks for all the great posts and the Fab Friday mentions too.

    1. Hi Diane,

      Thank you so much for nominating my blog! You are very kind. =)

  5. That book is a treasure to have. Great blog!

    1. Thank you Victori! And I do agree with you about the book. It really is a treasure. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Hello, Jana....while Jacobus compiled the Waterman book, he relied on the resources lovingly gathered by Edgar Waterman who wrote all Waterman in the 1920s and 1930s (including my great Aunt Edith Spencer Waterman of Alameda, daughter of Augustus Waterman. It is tempting to ascribe all the work to a famous genealogist but one must give credit where credit is due. Jacobus had a skill and was hired to whip the manuscript into shape. A large portion of the work was done by a person who had the passion to find the information.
