Monday, May 5, 2014

52 Ancestors: #18 ~ Grandma Ingrid's Grade School

This is part of the "52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks" Challenge begun by Amy Johnson Crow, author of the blog No Story Too Small.

My paternal grandmother, Ingrid Anna Gillberg, was a wonderful family historian. She put together not one, but two, Books of Remembrance. Inside one of these books is this photo of where she attended grade school when she was a child in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Ingrid's parents, Carl and Hilda Gillberg emigrated from Sweden in 1909 and 1910, respectively. They first settled in Salt Lake City, where Ingrid was born. Later the family moved to the Los Angeles area. Ingrid was born on 5 November 1913.

This is a photo of Ingrid taken in 1923 when she was about 10 years old.

Isn't this a fun photo? I wonder what the occasion was for having this picture taken. See how she's holding the skirt of her dress? Perhaps her mother made this dress for her and wanted to get a photo of Ingrid wearing it.

Whatever the reason for the photo, I'm glad it was taken. This photo is also in the same Book of Remembrance as the photo of Ingrid's grade school. It's so fun to see Ingrid at the age she was when she attended grade school. Can't you almost picture her skipping along on her way to school?

I think the name of Ingrid's school is Donlas Grade School, but when I did an online search for this school in Salt Lake City, it didn't show up in the results. Either I'm not reading my grandmother's handwriting correctly, the school's name has been changed, or it no longer exists.

If any of my readers have heard of this school, or can help me find any information about it, I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks for reading!


© 2014 Copyright by Jana Last, All Rights Reserved


  1. I have no pictures of my elementary school, but wouldn't that make a nice addition to a family history. Your grandmother was forward-thinking.

    1. Hi Wendy,

      Now you have me wondering if I have a picture of my elementary school. Hmm. And yes, my Grandma Ingrid was very forward-thinking about her family history. And I'm so thankful she was. Her Books of Remembrance are wonderfully full of photos, documents, and her words.

  2. It looks like there was a "Douglas" school in SLC - could the caption say "Doulas," and she accidentally left out a letter?

    It looks like the Utah State Archives has a photo - maybe you could request a copy and confirm whether it's the same building.

    1. Thank you Kathleen! What a great idea! I wonder if she did mean to put Douglas under the photo. =)
