Tuesday, April 1, 2014

52 Ancestors: #13 ~ Ella Eliza Engle

This is part of the "52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks" Challenge begun by Amy Johnson Crow, author of the blog No Story Too Small.

Ella Eliza Engle as a Child

This is Ella Eliza Engle as a child. She was one of the daughters of Sarah Amanda (Waterman) Engle and Richard Engle. Ella's father, Richard, was a Civil War veteran. Ella is my 1st cousin 3 times removed.

I've written about three of Ella's siblings, Mary Albertina, Charles Albert, and William Barker in recent 52 Ancestors posts. I've also written about Ella in a previous post in November 2012.

I haven't shared this photo of Ella as a child before, so I thought I'd take this opportunity to do so in today's 52 Ancestors post.

Ella was the oldest child of Sarah and Richard Engle. She was born on 16 June 1858 in Plymouth, Ohio. Ella married John O. Gray on 7 April 1880 in Black Hawk, Iowa. They were the parents of five children.

Ella's death certificate states that she was a retired school teacher. And according to her mom's obituary, Ella was the principal of Marengo Elementary School in South Pasadena, California.

I've shared this lovely photo of Ella in my previous post about her, but thought I'd share it again.

Ella Eliza Engle

These beautiful photos of Ella were found in one or both of the photo albums of Ella's aunt and uncle, Ebenezer Perry Carlisle Webster and Cynthia Maria (Waterman) Webster. Ella's mother, Sarah, was Cynthia's sister. I'm not sure which album they were from because both of these albums contain pages that have "Ella Engle" written on them.

These first two album pages are from Cynthia's album. Ella's name is on the left side in the first photo and on the right side of the page in the second photo.

And this is a page from Ebenezer's album. Ella's name is at the bottom of the page on the right.

I've shared photos of these amazing albums before on my blog. If you haven't seen them yet and would like to, click HERE, HERE, and HERE. My 3rd cousin inherited these priceless albums. Ebenezer Perry Carlisle Webster was a Civil War veteran.

So, now I'm wondering why there are three spaces for photos of Ella. I've only seen these two photos of her that I'm sharing with you today. Is there another photo of her somewhere that was lost? Or perhaps both albums contained a copy of the same photo of Ella. In any case, I'm very thankful to have copies of these and other photos of my ancestors and family members. They are priceless family history treasures!

Thanks for reading!


© 2014 Copyright by Jana Last, All Rights Reserved


  1. They are priceless! I just love old photos. Were both photos of Ella taken before her marriage since she is listed by her maiden name in all (three) slots, I wonder? Thanks for sharing and posting :)

    1. Hi Dawn,

      You pose a great question about when the photos of Ella were taken. I wish I knew the answer, but unfortunately I don't at this time.

      And yes! Old photos really are priceless. It's amazing that they are still around for us to enjoy. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Replies
    1. Hi Becky,

      Yes. I agree. She really was a beautiful woman. Thank you so much for stopping by, my sweet friend! I appreciate it!

  3. She was a serious-looking child!

    1. Hi Wendy,

      She really was so serious in that first photo, wasn't she? Maybe she was just waiting for all of the photo-taking business to be over and done with so she could go back to playing. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Ella was an adorable child & a lovely woman. A mother, a teacher; sounds like she had a good life.

    1. Hi Colleen,

      I agree. She really was lovely. Thank you for stopping by!

  5. After researching on Ancestry.com, she is my Great, Great, Great Grandmother on my father's side. Thank you for this lovely post. :)

    1. Ashley, I'm so glad you stopped by and left a comment! Wow! Ella's your 3rd great-grandmother? That's awesome!! That means we're related too. It's wonderful to make new cousin connections. I'm so glad you liked this post about Ella. Thanks again for stopping by!
