Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Ole Anthon Christopherson's Birth Record

Yesterday, I shared a blog post in which I wondered whether or not my paternal 2nd great-grandfather, Ole Anthon Christopherson, was a Sea Captain in Norway. The reason I wondered this is because the words (Sea Captain) are written next to Ole's name on two separate family group sheets that were given to me. If you'd like to read that blog post, click HERE.

I belong to two Norwegian Genealogy groups on Facebook. Today, I decided to share yesterday's blog post, along with a request for ideas about how I could find out if Ole was a Sea Captain, in these Facebook groups. Very quickly, people started to help me. It was wonderful! And one very kind person actually found Ole's birth record on the National Archives of Norway website! This wonderful person also found Ole's confirmation record and his parents' marriage record! I'll share those in future posts.

Today I'd like to share Ole's birth record. If you'd like to see his birth record on the National Archives of Norway website, click HERE. His record is number 65 on the left side of the page.

Here's Ole's birth record.1 I highlighted the birth date, Ole's name, and his parents' names.

Christopherson, Ole Anthon - Birth Record from Tromso, Norway - Highlighted

I'm so grateful to have this birth record! And I'm so thankful for the kindness of the person on the Norwegian Genealogy group who found it for me.

This record proves that Ole was born in Tromso, Norway. And this record also gives me his correct birth date. I incorrectly had his birth month as April in my genealogy database. He was actually born in May. His correct birthday is May 21, 1837.

I'm very grateful that I posted my question in the two Norwegian Genealogy groups on Facebook. I'm also very grateful for the kindness of those who helped me today. The genealogy community really is so kind and helpful!

Thanks for reading!


© 2014 Copyright by Jana Last, All Rights Reserved

1 "Tromsø 1829-1837." Tromsø 1829-1837. National Archives of Norway, n.d. Web. 19 Feb. 2014.Kildeinformasjon: Troms fylke, Tromsø, Ministerialbok nr. 8 (1829-1837), Fødte og døpte 1837, side 520-521. No. 65.


  1. Genealogy people are the best! Happy for you regarding your recent find.

    1. Thank you Andrea! And yes, genealogy people are so very kind and helpful!! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. How wonderful! Nothing like crowd-sourcing, eh?!

    1. Yep! How true Celia! Crowd-sourcing is wonderful! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. I also have been amazed by how helpful the genealogy community has been. It's a remarkably generous group. What a great find for you!

    1. Yes, I agree. The genealogy community really is such a very helpful and generous group. Thanks for stopping by!
