Monday, January 20, 2014

52 Ancestors: #3 ~ Dr. Homer Clark Waterman – Mason

This is part of the "52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks" Challenge begun by Amy Johnson Crow, author of the blog No Story Too Small.

Homer Clark Waterman

This is a photo of Homer Clark Waterman, my maternal 2nd great-granduncle. He was the sixth of twelve children born to Asher Waterman and Bathsheba Paulk.

Homer served as an Assistant Surgeon during the Civil War. I wrote about his service in a previous post. If you'd like to read it, click HERE.

In that previous post, I mentioned that Homer was a Mason. And that's what I'd like to focus on in today's post.

While doing a little research online, I came across two interesting entries about Homer in a book. The book has been digitized and is available to read and download as a PDF on It's called Proceedings of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of the State of Ohio at its Sixty-Third Annual Grand Assembly.1 The book was published in 1893. If you'd like to read it, click

On page 17 of this book we find the following:

Proceedings of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters ..., Issues 63-65

Transcription from highlighted paragraph on page 17 -
March 28th – Zanesville Council No. 12 to elect and install Recorder on account of the death of Companion H. C. Waterman, who had been elected Recorder, but, before installation, was summoned by the Supreme Grand Master to enter that secret vault where the designs are all drawn upon the trestle board; also, dispensation to same council to install Deputy Grand Master.
It appears that due to Homer's death on 6 March 1893, another Recorder had to be elected to take his place.

On page 42 of this book a notice was provided by J. C. Gillespie about Dr. Homer Clark Waterman.

Proceedings of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters ..., Issues 63-65

Transcription of Notice -
We are indebted to Comp. J. C. Gillespie, of Zanesville, for the following notice:
Dr. Homer Clark Waterman was born on a farm near Coolville, Athens Co., Ohio, May 28th, 1827, and died March 6th, 1893, at his home in Zanesville, Ohio, in the sixty-sixth year of his age. At an early age he began the study of medicine and graduated from Starling Medical College in Columbus, Ohio. He entered upon the practice of his profession at Middleport, Ohio, remaining there until the opening of the war when he enlisted in the Fourth Virginia Infantry. At the close of the war he resumed the practice of medicine at Middleport, but soon after he removed to Marietta and came from there to Zanesville and became a member of the Masonic bodies here.
Dr. Waterman was well known throughout the county and universally esteemed. He was elected Coronor [sic] a year and a half before his death and was still holding the position when he died.
He was made a Master Mason in Pomeroy Lodge, No. 164, January 12th, 1865, exalted to the Royal Arch in Pomeroy Chapter, No. 80, at Pomeroy. Received the Council degrees in Moriah Council No. 32, at Gallipolis, Ohio, Nov. 16th, 1866. Was Knighted in Ohio Valley Commandery at Pomeroy 1870. He was an Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite Mason.
He has presided as Worshipful Master, High Priest, T. I. M. and Em. Commander and at the time of his death he was Recorder of Council No. 12, of which he was a member.
His funeral took place, and was largely attended, March 8th, 1893, from his residence and was under the direction of LaFayette Lodge F. & A. M. of which he was a member.
Isn't this a wonderful write-up about Homer? There is a mistake regarding Homer's Civil War service though. He didn't enlist in the 4th Virginia Infantry. He actually enlisted in the 4th Regiment West Virginia Infantry.

I've read an obituary for Homer in the Zanesville Daily Courier Newspaper, which contained some great information. But it didn't contain these details of Homer's life as a Mason.

I'm very glad I found the Proceedings of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of the State of Ohio at its Sixty-Third Annual Grand Assembly on It has given me another glimpse into the rich and interesting life of my 2nd great-granduncle, Dr. Homer Clark Waterman.

Thanks for reading!


© 2014 Copyright by Jana Last, All Rights Reserved

1 Proceedings of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of the State of Ohio at its Sixty-Third Annual Grand Assembly, Issues 63-65, By Royal and Select Masters (Masonic order). Grand Council of the State of Ohio, 1893


  1. Jana - I enjoyed this post about your second great uncle Homer. This is a great photo of him and how fortunate to have a copy! I also went back to read about his service in the Civil War. I agree. He had to experience many horrendous situations as a surgeon! But I can't help but think what a committed man he was in every phase of his life! Very nice post!

    1. Thank you Cindy! I appreciate your comments. And I agree with you about Homer. He does sounds like he was a wonderfully committed man during his lifetime. In fact, he was so committed to his job as a Coroner during his last years of his life, that he got out of his sickbed to tend to his duties. I need to write about that in a separate post about Homer, for sure. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. What a wonderfully strong photograph of Homer. He looks a formidable man and you have done a great research job in finding out so much about him. .

    1. Thank you Sue! This really is a wonderful photo of him in his uniform. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. That book had some title! I think it's interesting that he was from Ohio but enlisted in Virginia.

    1. Oh ya! That book's title is very long! Actually, Homer enlisted in the Company S, West Virginia 4th Infantry Regiment, not the 4th Virginia Infantry. I'll need to make a note of that in this blog post. Thanks for bringing that to my attention Wendy! =)

  4. Interesting & so much info about a family member who lived so long ago!

    1. Yes, this book has provided me with such interesting information about Homer. Thanks for stopping by!
