Saturday, November 2, 2013

Death Causes Pedigree Chart

I saw Nathan W. Murphy's post in which he shared his "Death Chart" on the FamilySearch blog earlier this week. What an interesting concept! And it can actually be quite helpful in a medical sense, can’t it?

Other bloggers have beat me to the punch in posting their Death Causes Pedigree Charts on their blogs. I'm finally posting mine today.

Death Causes Pedigree Chart 3

It's interesting to note that my maternal grandfather died of a stroke at the age of 80, and his father also died of a stroke, although he was 82 years of age at the time of his death.

My paternal grandfather died of a heart attack at 32 years of age, leaving behind a wife and four young children. At this time I don't know his parents' causes of death. His mom was only 38 years old when she died. She passed away eleven days after giving birth to her 7th child.

Creating this chart has been interesting. Unfortunately, cancer seems to be a prevalent cause of death on my dad's side of the family. Not listed in this chart are two of my dad's sisters who also died of cancer. One died from breast cancer at 58 years of age and one from leukemia at 24 years of age. My paternal grandmother, who ultimately died from gall bladder cancer at 89 years of age, was a colon cancer survivor. My dad was a non-smoker, but died from complications of esophageal cancer at 73 years of age. His esophageal cancer was caused by years of acid reflux problems.

Since writing this post, I ordered the death certificates of my paternal great-grandparents (the three "Unknown" boxes at the top of this chart). They should arrive by the end of the month. Yay! My two great-grandparents (the "Unknown" boxes at the bottom of the chart) died in Brazil. Obtaining their death certificates may be more difficult.

Thanks for reading!


© 2013 Copyright by Jana Last


  1. Wow, this is just amazing. The advantage one has these days to learn about those from our past.

    1. Hi Karen,

      This really is a great idea Nathan shared on the FamilySearch blog. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Interesting idea. I will have to make one now. Thanks for posting!

    1. Hi Andrea,

      You're so welcome! And thanks for your comments. =)

  3. Jana--familysearch has a lot of Brazil death records online. I found my gg aunt's death record there. It's not simple, as they aren't searchable. But if you know a date and city of death, you use the manual index and then the actual record book and can find the record.

    1. Hi Lara,

      Thanks for the reminder about the Brazilian death records on FamilySearch. I checked and unfortunately, they don't have the records I'm looking for at the moment. Sigh. Hopefully they will be added later. Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I have been noticing these pedigree charts the past few days and find them interesting. I've been in the process of collecting ages at death of my ancestors and causes of death for a different kind of post. I may have to make one of these first, though.

    1. Hi Nancy,

      Yes, they really are interesting charts. Thank you Nathan for sharing this great idea. It really can be a helpful tool in a medical sense. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Very helpful to make these charts, Jana - it's next on my list, although I know lots about historical causes of death of my families on both sides. Still, I'm not sure my kids know! Time to share this information.

    1. Hi Celia,

      Ah, yes! You've made a great point about our kids and how much they know about their ancestors' medical histories. Thank you for your comments!

  6. These are fascinating. I'm still working on mine!

    1. Hi Sally,

      I agree. These types of pedigree charts are fascinating. A big thank you goes out to Nathan W. Murphy for sharing this idea in the FamilySearch blog.
