Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Just Sitting Around…on a Shed

This fun photo was found in one of my Grandma Ingrid Gillberg's Books of Remembrance. I don't know if the structure these girls are sitting on is actually a shed or not. I'm just guessing about that. Is it a shed, a garage, or something else? What do you think?

Just why were my Grandma Ingrid (second from the left), three of her sisters, and a friend, sitting there having their picture taken? And who took the picture?

A friend Anabelle McKendrick, Ingrid, Ida, Ruby, and Edith Gillberg about 1926

Here's a zoomed in view of these darling girls.

A friend Anabelle McKendrick, Ingrid, Ida, Ruby, and Edith Gillberg about 1926

This is what my Grandma Ingrid wrote under the photo in her Book of Remembrance.

Ingrid's Writing Under A Photo of her and her sisters

From left to right a friend
Annabelle McKendrick, Myself
Ida, Ruby and Edith. Taken
by our home on Grand Ave
Salt Lake City, Utah
about 1926
In 1926 my Grandma Ingrid and her three sisters in this photo would have been the following ages:

Ingrid - about 13 years old
Ida - about 10 years old
Ruby - about 6 years old
Edith - about 10 years old

Ida and Edith were twins. Did you notice how they were dressed alike? Well, except for the shoes. And I like how little Ruby is sitting there with her arms folded. And notice how Annabelle, Ingrid's friend, has her arm around Ingrid? Annabelle seems to be holding something in her lap too. I wonder what it is.

Don't these girls look happy…just sitting around…on a shed?

Thanks for reading!


© 2013 Copyright by Jana Last


  1. What a great photo! Girls just hanging out and having fun and making memories to have and hold.

    I think that is a garage but then again, it's not deep enough for a vehicle (if there was one to store there) or could be a storage shed . . . either way, great photo, Jana!

    1. Hi Gini,

      At first I thought it was a garage too. It's really difficult to tell isn't it?

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Ha! What a strange place to pose for a picture but it looks like they were happy to be there!

    1. Hi Debi,

      It is a fun picture and they do look happy to be there! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Beautiful photo of girls just hanging out. Love it!

    1. Hi Andrea,

      Thanks! I'm so glad my Grandma Ingrid saved this photo in her Book of Remembrance. It's such a fun picture. And, I'm glad she took the time to label who everyone was in the picture too. Thanks Grandma!

  4. Looks more like a garage to me where you would park your car which is partly built into a bank. The girls must have walked along the roof and sat where they are to have their photo taken, either way they look a mischevious lot who were haveing fun.

    1. Hi Bill,

      My first thought was that it was a garage. Perhaps you're right after all. In any case, it was a great place for those girls to take their picture. Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Those girls knew how to have fun. adorable!

    1. Hi Colleen,

      Yep, it does appear that way. And I agree with you. This is an adorable picture of my Grandma Ingrid with her sisters and friend. Thanks so much for stopping by!

  6. Looks like a garage I have seen in Oakland, CA. Here in OKLA that looks like a storm shelter!! Except for the doors.
    Great picture. Thanks for sharing

    1. Hi Becky,

      Hmm. Interesting that it looks similar to a garage you've seen in Oakland, CA. I wonder if it really was a garage and not a shed. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Very cute! I wonder if it was one of those 'off limits' places, except for a special occasion, like a photograph :)

    1. Hi Sally,

      Could be! I wonder who took the picture. Maybe this friend was visiting from out of town and so that was the special occasion for the photo. Isn't it fun to try and figure out the story behind a photo? Thanks for stopping by!
