Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Wordless Wednesday (well, almost) ~ Nathan B. Chase – Civil War Surgeon

Nathan B. Chase EPC Websters Dr in the Civil War

This photograph of Nathan B. Chase was found inside the photo album that belonged to my 2nd great-grandfather, Ebenezer Perry Carlisle Webster.  Ebenezer served in the Civil War.

From what I can tell, the writing on the photo is as follows:
My Dr in The Army
Nathan B. Chase
Surg. U.S. Army

Nathan B. Chase is not an ancestor of mine.  Hopefully, one of his descendants will find this blog post so they can see this photo of Nathan.

Thanks for reading!


© 2013 Copyright by Jana Last

*Photo courtesy of Norma Gardiner


  1. I think that it is awesome th ephoto has lasted so well and captures the type of person you assosiate with they time.

    1. Hi Bill,

      Yes! It really is amazing that this photo have has lasted so well, even if there is some discoloration, etc. We can still see quite well what Nathan looked like, which is so cool.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. When I see a photo like this I am amazed that, 150 years later, it is still around for us to see.

    1. Hi Colleen,

      Yes, it truly is amazing to see photos from so long ago. Thank you so much for stopping by!

  3. I hope a descendent of Nathan comes along. I'm sure they would love having the picture if they don't have one already.

    1. Hi Betty,

      I hope so too. I know if I were a descendant of Nathan's I'd be thrilled to see this photo.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  4. I second Betty on this one. Any descendant would be glad to have this picture. I sure hope they make their way to your blog.

    1. Hi Andrea,

      I'll third yours and Betty's hope for one of Nathan's descendants to find this photo too. Isn't it wonderful to have social media today to share ancestor photos with the world? Not too many years ago, this wasn't the case.

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  5. I'd love to know the circumstances that led to Ebenezer getting a picture of his army doctor. Was Nathan handing them out like a business card?

    1. Oh Wendy, You're so funny! You do bring up a great question. Just how did Ebenezer get this picture of his army doctor anyway?

      Dr. Chase must have meant a great deal to Ebenezer since Ebenezer included his picture in his photo album.

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  6. That Doctor has a kind face. I hope someone recognizes the picture. I find it incredible that so early in the development of photography, the "essence" of a person could shine through a photograph.

    So this man bound up the wounds of your great-grandfather, Ebenezer. How thrilling that we are able to know that.

    1. Hi Mariann,

      Yes, the Doctor does have a kind face, doesn't he? And while I haven't seen any evidence of actual battle injuries that Ebenezer suffered during the Civil War, he did have other ailments including Asthma, which was mentioned in his pension file. Perhaps this Doctor was able to help him with that. Dr. Chase certainly must have meant a great deal to Ebenezer to be included in Ebenezer's photo album.

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  7. My dad had relatives serving on the Union side, and my mom had some serving as Confederates. Thankfully, they did not stage any serious reenactments. (LOL?)

    1. Hi Jerry,

      Haha! Good one!

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  8. This is a photo of my great great grandfather. His daughter Carrie was married to my great grandfather Charles E Mackintosh. Many thanks for saving the photo. It is uncanny how much my older brother looks like him.

    1. Oh wow! Thank you for leaving your wonderful comment and information about your 2nd great-grandfather! I'd be happy to send you a copy of this precious photo. Please let me know if you'd like me to do that.
