Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Ancestor Landing Page ~ Debs Webster Family Immigration Story

I really enjoyed reading Caroline Pointer's blog post Blogging Genealogy: How to get visitors to read more.   She had some great suggestions for the genealogy blogger.  One of those suggestions was to create an Ancestor Landing Page for an ancestor or family that we write about often.

I've been writing a series of posts about the immigration story of my Grandpa Webster and his family, who emigrated from Brazil to the United States in 1952. Below is a photo of their family taken on June 10, 1952 before they left Brazil.

Webster family before leaving for US 1952

So, I decided to create an Ancestor Landing Page for their story - Debs Webster Family Immigration Story.

And, I'll probably create an Ancestor Landing Page for my Great-Grandpa Frederick Webster, a.k.a. "The Traveling Dentist" in the future.  I'm fascinated by his life and many travels.

Thanks Caroline Pointer for your awesome suggestion about Ancestor Landing Pages!

Thanks for reading!


Copyright © Jana Last 2013


  1. Hmmm. An interesting idea. If/when I get organized in my blogging, I just might do this too, Jana!

    1. Hi Celia,

      I like this idea by Caroline Pointer. It seems like a great way to organize (and subsequently publicize) our favorite ancestor stories into one place.

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  2. Thanks for the post and for sharing this idea, Jana. Should time ever permit, I might experiment with it... Good job with the Webster immigration story page...

    1. Hi ljhlaura,

      You're very welcome! And thanks for the compliment about my Webster family's immigration story page. :)

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  3. I like this idea, too. I didn't catch Caroline's blog yet (holidays!), but I do have a couple of ancestors, one on each "side," who could use a landing page. I've always enjoyed reading about your Grandpa Debs ... even just the name "Debs" . . .

    1. Hi Mariann,

      Thanks so much! You are very kind! I'm glad you like Caroline's idea.

      Thanks so much for stopping by and for your comments. I appreciate it!

  4. I read the same post and am planning to do the same thing. I've been experimenting with page ranking on Google, Bing, Yahoo, and Alexa and can confirm that using the landing page does increase how early in the results list your post appears.

    1. Hello,

      That's awesome news about your Landing Page experiment on search engines. Thanks for sharing!

      And thanks so much for stopping by and for your comments. I really appreciate it!

  5. Jana, I really enjoyed this post and am going to explore the possibility of adding a "landing page" to my own blog.

    Though I know you've already received this a few times, I want to add my appreciation to you by nominating you for the Liebster Blog Award. I always learn something new when I read your posts.

    1. Hi Linda,

      Thank you so much! Caroline Pointer's idea about the "Ancestor Landing Page" is so great.

      Thank you for nominating my blog for the Liebster Blog Award. You're so sweet. I appreciate your kind words very much!
