Saturday, December 8, 2012

Sepia Saturday 155 ~ Two Pairs of Overalls and a Dress - Circa 1940

Sepia Saturday provides an opportunity for genealogy bloggers to share their family history through photographs.

Today’s Sepia Saturday photo prompt (at bottom of post) challenges us to find photos with people in overalls or any kind of working apparel.

Jan Albert Iverson
and Siblings - Circa 1940

I'm sure these three cute kiddos were not about to head off to work.  It's much more likely they were headed outside to play.  This is a photo of my dad, Jan Albert Iverson, with his sister and brother.

My Dad's the one on the far left sporting the more traditionally-styled overalls.  They look like what I picture when I think of overalls.  His little brother, on the other hand, is wearing a different style of overalls.  They remind me of vintage bell-bottom sailor’s pants.  Aren’t they cute?

This photo was taken around 1940, so my dad would have been about four years old.

To see what other Sepia Saturday participants have written today, just click

Sepia Saturday 155 December 8, 2012

Thanks for reading!


Copyright © Jana Last 2012


  1. awww... I don't think I ever saw bell bottom overalls before.

    1. Hi Kristin,

      I don't think I have either. I wonder if my grandma made them.

      Thanks so much for stopping by! I really appreciate it!

  2. Well, play is really work to little children, isn't it? Those three are adorable! I think the bell bottom overalls are very interesting. I wonder if his mom made them. I've never seen any like it. (Oh, that's just what was said in the conversation above me. I don't suppose there's anyone to ask?)

    1. Hi Nancy,

      I'm wondering if those bell-bottom overalls were handmade too. The only person in this photo I could ask is the little guy wearing the overalls in question. Unfortunately, he may not know if his mom made them or not, since he was such a young child at the time this photo was taken.

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  3. Your father and his brother and sister have such bright smiles. They must have been very happy children :)

    1. Hi Yvonne,

      They were such a happy little trio, weren't they?

      Thank you so very much for stopping by! I really do appreciate it!

  4. Oh my goodness what a cute picture! You three looked a lot like your dad and his siblings when the three of you were little.

    1. Hi Cindy,

      Hmm, I hadn't thought of that before. What a fun comparison.

      Thanks so much for reading and for your comments!

  5. I'm beginning to be confused this week between what is an overall and what are a pair of dungarees. I would have called your father's dungarees. Did the bell bottom boy become a sailor?

    1. Hi Bob,

      It's funny you should ask about my uncle with the bell-bottom overalls, because actually he DID become a sailor in the Navy. And I have a photo or two of him in his sailor's uniform. I hadn't even made the connection before. Thanks Bob!

      And thanks for stopping by!

  6. Can you say ADORABLE? Your dad and his siblings could have been in an advertisement for overalls, they were so appealing! Was your dad the youngest one with the bi sleeves? Makes me smile, Jana.

    1. Hi Kat,

      I know! They were such adorable little kids! And what's more, they were and are adorable "big kids" (adults) too. The only surviving sibling in this photo is my uncle with the bell-bottom overalls.

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  7. What a cute picture. Like the others, I love the bell bottomed overalls and my first thought was like yours and theirs, I wonder if they were homemade. Of course little brother had to be able to dress like bigger brother! This blog title made me think about my own upbringing and how little girls wore dresses for more than dressing up back then. I was wearing a dress in a lot of my own childhood pictures.

    This also makes me want to pull out some of the old pictures in my collection and look at them closer. I think sometimes I feel compelled to identify the individuals in the picture and then I move onto the next picture. I am sure I miss a lot of details and some of the fun when I do that.

    Thanks for this post Jana.

    1. Hi Michelle,

      Thanks for your kind comments! I like your point about how easy it is to just identify the people in our photos and just move on to the next photo. I think we do miss alot of details when we do that. Wouldn't it be fun to know the backstory of our photos? Like, who was standing behind the camera taking the photo, and why. What was the occasion? Or was it just for fun.

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  8. What a cute bunch of kiddos! I love your aunt's knees...and the socks down around her ankles!

    1. Hi Deb,

      Aww, I hadn't even noticed her socks round her ankles. How cute is that!?

      Thanks for stopping by!

  9. Darling picture, Jana! Do you remember the Oshkosh (sp?) overalls we used to put on our kids not so long ago? Equally darling. Somewhere I have a photo of my farmer uncle not only in overalls but also proudly driving his new John Deere tractor.

    May I ask what technology you use to put your name, copyright, and date on your photographs? Is it Phonto, or something else? I'm in the midst of scanning and digitally storin thousands of photographs, and deciding how to handle them.

    What a sweet post!

    1. Hi Mariann,

      Now that must be a fun photo you've got of your farmer uncle!

      The way I add my name, date, and copyright logo on my photos is with the Windows Live Writer program. This is the program I use to compose my blog posts. It has a watermark feature which is really easy and cool!

      Another blogger asked me the same question via email. Hmm, perhaps I ought to write a blog post showing this tech tool just in case others are curious too.

      Thanks so much for stopping by! I really appreciate it!

  10. Having read almost all Oshkosh contributions of this week, may I suggest that a native speaker composes a list of synonyms: overall, workwear, slops, dungarees, bell bottoms, etc. etc. They say Eskimo's have 31 expressions for 'snow' but I bet that English speakers can easily top that number here. On behalf of all continental Sepians, thanks in advance ;)

    1. Hi Peter,

      Hmm, I've never heard of slops before. That's a new one for me. It is funny how there are so many names for the same article of clothing!

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  11. I really love the way the little fellow on the rights pants flare out. Adorable.

    1. Hi Tattered and Lost,

      His little overalls really are so cute!

      Thanks so much for stopping by! I really do appreciate it!

  12. America's next top model[s]?!?
    They sure looked comfortable in front of the camera.

    1. Hi Ticklebear,

      They really did look comfy in front of the camera, didn't they?

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  13. Another wonderful photograph Jana. I suppose workwear is good for kids as well, even though play is their work - or perhaps that should be, especially as play is their work.

    1. Hi Alan,

      Yep, kids "work" really is their playtime. And that's as it should be. They learn so much that way.

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  14. Those overalls look almost like "Sunday overalls," if there is such a thing, in that they seem neater and cleaner, not so rugged. Cute kids!

    1. Hi Wendy,

      They do look a bit more dressy don't they?

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  15. What a gorgeous photograph - it made me smile.

    1. Hi Sue,

      Awww! Thank you very much! And thanks for stopping by! I really do appreciate it!

  16. Well, that is just adorable. :) They look so authentically happy. You've been blessed with some lovely family photos Jana...

    1. Hi ljhlaura,

      Yes, it really is a blessing to have these family photos. And this one really is just so cute.

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  17. Replies
    1. Hi Dana,

      Thanks so much! It really is a fun photo of my dad and his siblings.

      Thank you for stopping by! I really appreciate it.
