Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving in San Diego ~ 1952

This is part of a series of posts dedicated to the immigration story of Debs Webster and his family.

This is the last photo in my Grandpa Debs Webster’s 1952 photo album, which holds the photos documenting their immigration from Brazil to the United States.  I suppose you could call this photo album a "photo travelogue" of their immigration story.  Ya, it’s pretty cool that Grandpa put this together!

Thankfully, my Grandpa Debs wrote something around the edges of this photo to tell us a bit about it.  At the top he wrote, "Thanksgiving 1952."  And at the bottom he wrote, "San Diego  Casa do Jay" which means Jay’s House in Portuguese.  Jay was related to Grandma Willis by marriage.  He was an in-law to one of Willis' sisters.

Grandpa Debs and his family arrived in the United States on July 7, 1952.  So, this would be their very first Thanksgiving in America.

I can't say for sure if this was my Grandpa Debs' first Thanksgiving in America though, as he was the son of my
"Traveling Dentist" Great-Grandpa Frederick Webster.  For all I know, Frederick and his family happened to be in America during Thanksgiving at some time.

The Webster Family  Thanksgiving 1952 in San Diego California
Thanksgiving in San Diego, California - 1952

Click to Enlarge

I don't know the names of everyone in this photo, so I’ll just tell you who the people are that I do know.  Grandpa Debs is standing.  In front of him is my uncle.  Then, left to right is Grandma Willis, Helena Rohwedder Quillen, my uncle, and my mom shielding her eyes from the sun.

I’m sure my Grandpa and his family had a lot to be thankful for on that Thanksgiving Day in 1952, as our family does 60 years later in 2012.

Little Pilgrim from Clipartpal dot com public domain
Little Pilgrim

And now I’d like to wish all of you, my wonderful readers, a very Happy Thanksgiving filled with fun, family, and delicious food!

Thanks for reading!


Copyright © Jana Last 2012


  1. It's no surprise that Debs recorded their first Thanksgiving in America. I wonder if they enjoyed traditional food or brought their Brazilian dishes to the table. Happy Thanksgiving, Jana!

    1. Hi Wendy,

      I'll have to ask my mom if she remembers what kind of food they enjoyed that day. Interesting question!

      Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family as well. And thanks for stopping by!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving Jana!

    1. Thank you so much Jo! Hope you are having a lovely day there in Scotland!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving Jana!

    I wonder what they thought of our Thanksgiving tradition. They certainly seem to have embraced the new culture quickly!

    1. Thanks Liz! Happy Thanksgiving to you too!

      And thanks so much for stopping by!

  4. I'm glad to see this photo of Grandpa Debs, whom I've read a lot about in your posts. And I'm glad to see the date and phrase: the 1952 photo album documenting their immigration from Brazil to the United States. This ties all the posts together for me! They saw many wonderful sites on their way to their destination in the U.S. This must have been a gentler time, the 1950s, when immigration was not such a hotbed of controversy as (alas) it is now. How wonderful to have this photo album! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Hi Mariann,

      This 1952 photo album truly is a family history treasure! I'm glad this post was able to tie all the previous posts of their travels together for you. (Hmm, perhaps I needed to do a better job at that all along.)

      Thank you so very much for reading and commenting! I realy appreciate it!

  5. Wonderful family photo and post about the family's first Thanksgiving in America. Spiffy pilgrim, too. Hope you had a happy Thanksgiving, Jana!

    1. Hi ljhlaura,

      Thanks so much! This really is a fun photo in my Grandpa's album.

      I hope you had a great Thanksgiving too!

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  6. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving, Jana!

    1. Hi Debi,

      Yes, we did. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving too!

      Thanks so much for stopping by!
