Saturday, November 24, 2012

Sepia Saturday 153 ~ Two Sisters and a Cactus

Sepia Saturday provides an opportunity for genealogy bloggers to share their family history through photographs.

The Sepia Saturday photo prompt (at end of post) is a photo of Lala Williams and Elgie Crook.  In doing research on about Lala and Elgie, I found out the following:  When Elgie’s mother died, Elgie was sent to live with her uncle J. Shelby Williams, Lala’s father.  Elgie and Lala were first cousins, but Elgie grew up as a sister to Lala.

The adorable photo of Lala and Elgie, cousins who were more like sisters, provides me with the perfect opportunity to share this sweet photo of my Great-Grandmother, Hilda Carlsson Gillberg, and her sister Hilma Carlsson Taylor.

Hilda Carlsson Gillberg and Hilma Carlsson Taylor
Two Sweet Sisters
Hilda Carlsson Gillberg (left) and Hilma Carlsson Taylor (right)

I love how Hilda and Hilma are holding hands.   Sweet, sisterly love on display!  Unfortunately, I don’t have any information about when or where this photo was taken, but it’s so precious. 

Hilda and Hilma were the daughters of Johan Erik Carlsson and Karin Johnsson.  Both Hilda and Hilma were born in Sweden and immigrated to the United States.

Hilda was married to my Great-Grandfather, Carl Albert Gillberg, and Hilma was married to Charles Alvin Taylor.

To see what other Sepia Saturday participants have written about this week, click HERE.

Sepia Saturday 153 November 24 2012

Thanks for reading!


Copyright © Jana Last 2012


  1. That is such a sweet picture! All smiles and sisterly love.

    1. Hi Kathy,

      I just think it's so cute too!

      Thanks so much for stopping by! I really appreciate it.

  2. When did Hilda and Hilma emigrate to the USA? Would that date give a chance to estimate their age and so date the photo? Just a thought.

    1. Hi Bob,

      Hilda's year of immigration was 1910 and Hilma's was 1900. I'm thinking the photo was taken sometime in the 1940's or 1950's.

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  3. A lovely photo, Jana. I'm surprised at them having such similar names - maybe it meant that Mum only had to yell on one of them and they both came running :-) Jo

    1. Hi Jo,

      Ha! Yes, that must have been interesting for them growing up with their names sounding so similar.

      Thanks so much for your comments. I really appreciate it.

  4. That is a very sweet photograph. Perfect fit for the theme.

    1. Hi Liz,

      Thanks so much!! Yes, I think it's such a fun photo.

      Thank you so very much for stopping by!

  5. I like to think that H&H are holding hands in front of a cactus, in Arizona or Mexico maybe? Adorable picture!

    1. Hi Peter,

      I'm wondering if the photo could have been taken in one of the deserts of California. Hilda ultimately settled in Los Angeles, California. Maybe Hilma was paying her a visit.

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  6. Such a sweet photo. My first thought was to wonder where it was taken -- it does look like the desert Southwest somewhere ... perhaps California. In this case, it's the people that make the photo, though ...

    1. Hi ljhlaura,

      I'm assuming it is in California somewhere since that's where Hilda ended up living. And you're right, it's the people that make this photo special.

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  7. Oh just so super sweet!...and both very happy too!

    1. Hi Karen,

      This really is such a sweet photo isn't it? I just think it's such a treasure.

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  8. Lovely, smiling photo! My great aunt's name was Hilda and grandmothers' Hulda and Hilma. Hilda and Hilma are quite common names in Finland even nowadays, but not Hulda.

    1. Hi Caijsa,

      Thank you! That's interesting to know that Hilda and Hilma are quite common names in Finland.

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting. I really appreciate it!

  9. That's quite a backdrop! I had to smile at the similarity of their names and Jo's suggestion about their mother calling for them!

    1. Hi Little Nell,

      Yes, it is quite a backdrop. I wish there was something written about where they were. And yes, Jo's suggestion about their mother calling them was funny!

      Thanks for stopping by!

    2. No problem. I actually followed Kat's suggestion for us all to follow each other a couple of weeks ago. Feel free to reciprocate :)

  10. I thought maybe they were twins, since the names are so similar. That is indeed a lovely picture of them holding hands, and I can't seem to stop smiling just thinking about that sisterly love.

    1. Hi Wendy,

      Those names really are so similar, but no they weren't twins. Hilda and Hilma were actually ten years apart in age. Hilda was born in 1878 and Hilma in 1888.

      Thanks so much for stopping by Wendy! I really appreciate it!

  11. Has to be good they could still hold hands!

    1. Hi Jinksy,

      You're right. The photo shows such sisterly affection between the two of them. It's so sweet.

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  12. The cactus must be somewhere in the southwest and the dresses look like 1940s to me.

    1. Hi Postcardy,

      The dresses look like the 1940s to me as well. And I really am leaning to the photo being taken somewhere in California as that's where Hilda settled.

      I appreciate your comments! Thanks for stopping by!

  13. Lovely photo of those very loving sisters, Jana - doesn't it make you want to smile and smile! Thanks for sharing such interesting photos.

    1. Hi Celia,

      You are so very sweet! And yes, this photo does make me smile. I wonder why they decided to take their picture in front of this cactus. I wish I knew the backstory here.

      Thanks so much for stopping by! I really do appreciate it.

  14. They have sweet smiles! So many people emigrated from Sweden to the US in the late 1800s and early 1900s. Do you know where in Sweden they came from? One thing for sure, we don't have cacti like that growing in the wild here ;)
    Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. Hi Monica,

      Hilda was living in Eskilstuna, Sweden before she immigrated to the U.S. and I'm assuming her younger sister Hilma was living there as well.

      Thanks for visiting my blog too, and for the follow! I really appreciate it.

  15. The Mojave? Death Valley? It really is a marvelous image. Their affection for each other is very evident in their hand-holding and smiles.

    1. Hi Kat,

      Yes, perhaps they were in one of those deserts in California. And I agree with you about how this photo shows their sisterly love for each other. It really is a sweet photo.

      Thanks so much for stopping by! I appreciate it!

  16. What a wonderful photo! I really like the beautiful expressions on their faces. You can really tell how much they care about each other.

    1. Hi Sheryl,

      Thank you so much for your kind comments! Yes, I agree. This photo does show how much these two sisters cared about each other. I think it's just so sweet!

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  17. The best family photos have exotic locations or backgrounds. I don't think there many places for cactus of that size. And thanks for doing the research on the hidden puzzle in our Sepia Saturday theme photo.

    1. Hi Mike,

      You're welcome for the research on Lala and Elgie.

      I wish I knew where this photo was taken. I'm still going with the idea of a desert in Southern California.

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  18. Wonderful photo of two loving sisters! I love their flowered dresses :-)

    1. Hi Debi,

      Those dresses look so 1940's don't they? Very fun!

      Thanks so much for stopping by! I really appreciate it!

  19. What a wonderful picture! They look happy. That is one huge cactus.

    Kathy M.

    1. Hi Kathy,

      That really is a huge cactus! I'm wondering why they chose that exact spot for their photo. But, whatever the reason, I'm glad they took this sweet photo.

      Thanks so much for stopping by! I really appreciate it!
