Thursday, October 4, 2012

Those Places Thursday–Webster Family Road Trip: Idaho

This is part of a series of posts dedicated to the immigration story of Debs Webster and his family.

Welcome to the continuing story of my Grandpa Debs Webster and his family's trip across the U.S.A.!

As my regular readers may remember, Debs and his family immigrated to the U.S.A. from Brazil in July of 1952.

They traveled by ship to New York and decided to travel by car to their final destination of Glendora, California.  We've been following their journey to various states along the way.

The last installment of their road trip story recounted their fascinating trip to Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, including a story about Grandma's foraging skills.

The next photo in Grandpa Debs' 1952 photo album shows a stop at Pocatello, Idaho.

Map to Pocatello, Idaho from Yellowstone National Park
Click to Enlarge

Why did they stop in Pocatello?  They were visiting the family and friends of missionaries from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints whom they met in Brazil.

Willis Webster Helena Quillin and Others at Pocatello Idaho
Left to Right:
Willis Webster, Helena Quillin
My Uncle, Two Unknown Ladies,
Possibly My Mom, My Uncle
Click to Enlarge

Unfortunately, I don’t know who’s house this was or who the people were that my Grandpa and his family were visiting.  It must have been a very sweet visit though.  And interesting as well.  And since Grandpa was the only one of the Websters who spoke English, he probably had a "conversation workout" translating for everyone.

The Webster family is almost done with their trip across the United States!  They have a few more stops along the way though.  The next stop is Utah.  Then it’s on to The Grand Canyon in Arizona, then Nevada and finally California!

Thanks for reading!


Copyright © Jana Last 2012


  1. How did I miss Yellowstone?? Thanks for linking back to that one too. I can't imagine eating food that Grandma found down by the creek. I love the "conversation workout." That had to be slow and laborious. Debs probably needed a big glass of water after all that!

    1. Hi Wendy,

      I have to say I agree with you about eating food found down by a creek (sorry Grandma!). I'd be a bit apprehensive to say the least.

      Thanks so much for stopping by! I really appreciate it!
