Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Those Places Thursday–Webster Family Road Trip: Wyoming ~ Yellowstone National Park

This is part of a series of posts dedicated to the immigration story of Debs Webster and his family.

Debs and his family are on their way to another fun adventure.  They’ve left Mount Rushmore and are heading to Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming.

I don’t know the exact route they took, but here’s what shows as a route today.

Map to Yellowstone National Park
Click to Enlarge

My regular readers may remember that the Webster family bought sleeping bags and camping equipment to use on their journey across the U.S.A.

They would often stop along the way and use their camping equipment to prepare their meals.

The Webster Family - 1952
Back Row L to R:  Willis, My Mom, My Uncle, Helena
Front Row L to R:  My Uncle, Debs
Click to Enlarge

Previous photos of the Webster family eating at picnic tables along their way haven’t included my Grandpa Debs.  So this is a really fun photo of the whole family.  Hmm, I wonder who took the photo.

My uncle (the little boy seated on the front bench) shared his memories of their trip across the U.S.A.  I love what he said about their mealtimes.
“Dinner usually consisted of Campbell’s soup heated over a Sterno stove.  If there was a creek nearby, Grandma would wander off to it and usually return with an armload of watercress which we made into a salad (how I wish I had her foraging skills!).  Lunches were usually sandwiches and during the day we would beg for Pop to stop at a root-beer stand so we could get something cold and carbonated to drink.  He didn’t spoil us, but did, on many occasions succumb to our pleadings.”

They’ve finally arrived at Yellowstone National Park’s Old Faithful Geyser ~


Old Faithful Geyser
Yellowstone National Park - 1952
Click to Enlarge

Old Faithful Geyser
Yellowstone National Park - 1952
Click to Enlarge

And there she goes!

Old Faithful Geyser
Yellowstone National Park - 1952
Click to Enlarge

If you’d like to make a “virtual visit” to Old Faithful, here’s the link to the Old Faithful Live Webcam:

Old Faithful Live Webcam

A few interesting facts about Old Faithful:

  • During an eruption the water temperature at the vent has been known to reach a whopping 204 degrees.
  • The steam temperature of the geyser has reached above 350 degrees.
  • The height of an eruption averages near 130 feet and lasts between 1.5 and 5 minutes.
(Source:  National Park Service Website - Old Faithful FAQs)

The Webster family also saw some Bison during their visit to Yellowstone National Park.

Here’s another interesting fact ~

More visitors are injured by bison than by bears each year at Yellowstone.  Park rules state that visitors need to stay at least 25 yards away from bison or elk and 100 yards away from bears.

(Source:  Yellowstone National Park Website)

I hope you’ve enjoyed your visit to Yellowstone National Park.  The next stop on the Webster family’s road trip is Idaho.

Until next time,

Thanks for reading!


Copyright © Jana Last 2012


  1. Jana,
    Thank you for sharing that family memory trip. It was as if I were right there with yall. The photos were great! As a child we traveled to Yellow stone but the memory's are short.
    Thanks for the trip!

    1. Hi! I really appreciate your kind comments!

      My uncle's memories of the trip were so helpful and interesting to me. And, of course, I'm so thankful to my Grandparents for taking these photos (and keeping them safe all these years).

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Spent some time today exploring your blog, Jana -- absolutely LOVE the Traveling Dentist! That shot of his dentistry/optical/photography boats is wonderful! And having all this history (family history) is such a gift! I'm beginning to know them all...

    1. Hi Deb! I'm so honored you spent time exploring my blog. Thank you so much for your kind comments!

      I too love the photo showing my great-grandpa's dental, optical, and photography boats.

      And yes, I am so grateful to know my family history. It truly is a gift.

      Thanks so much for stopping by! I really appreciate it!

  3. Since I've been keeping up with the family travels, I noticed right away that the man on the right hasn't been in the pictures until today. How nice that you have a picture of him at the picnic table. Foraging for watercress... who would have thought? I took a trip to Yellowstone in junior high and I think the most lasting impression was that egg smell from the sulfur. Enjoyed it!

    1. Hi Kathy, It's so sweet of you to have kept up with their travels. Thanks!

      Ya, the foraging for watercress was a very interesting detail for sure! I think I wouldn't have tried that myself. I'd be too scared of accidentally picking up some kind of poisonous plant or something.

      Thanks so much for stopping by! I appreciate it!
