Saturday, September 8, 2012

Sepia Saturday 142–Three Hats ~ Three People

Sepia Saturday provides an opportunity for genealogy bloggers to share their family history through photographs.
Sepia Saturday 142 September 8, 2012
Today’s Sepia Saturday photo shows three elegantly dressed people wearing and/or holding three hats.  To be more exact, the two ladies are wearing their hats and the gentleman is holding his hat.

So, here’s my amazingly similar photo I have to share with you today.  It’s a photo of my Grandmother Sarah Vasques Madeira Webster (right) standing with my Great-Grandaunt Crecenciana Aurora Matus Villatoro Reinacher and her husband Theodor Reinacher.

Left to Right -
Crecenciana Matus Villatoro Reinacher,
Theodor Reinacher and
Sarah Vasques Madeira Webster

While it's true that my three relatives are not posed exactly as those in the Sepia Saturday photo, and may not be quite as elegantly dressed, they are each in possession of a hat, making a total of three hats.  And my photo does have three people in it.  And two of the people are wearing their hats and the other one is holding a hat, just like in the Sepia Saturday photo.   (Okay, so do I win this week’s prize for posting the most similar photo to the Sepia Saturday photo??  What?  There is no prize?  Oh well, that’s alright.)

Actually, having this photo in our family's possession is a prize in itself.

Here's a little information about those pictured in my photo ~

My regular readers may remember who my Grandmother Sarah is standing on the right in this photo.  I’ve written several posts about her including a previous Sepia Saturday post.  She was married to my Grandpa Debs Webster.  And they were my mom's parents.

Now I’d like to introduce you to Crecenciana Aurora Matus Villatoro.  Crecenciana was one of the sisters of Esther Matus Villatoro who was married to my Great-Grandpa Watson (Frederick) Webster (a.k.a. The Traveling Dentist).

Esther and Frederick were the parents of my Grandpa Debs Webster, so Crecenciana was an aunt to my Grandpa Debs.  (I’m sorry if this is all very confusing…no there won’t be a test later.)

Crecenciana was born in Arriaga, Chiapas, Mexico on September 14, 1906 and later moved to Brazil.  I wonder if she moved to Brazil to be closer to her sister Esther.

On April 4, 1932 Crecenciana Matus Villatoro and Theodor Reinacher were married in Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Crecenciana also went by the name Chana.  My mom has fond memories of her Great-Aunt Chana.  Following the death of my Grandma Sarah Webster (my mom's mother), Aunt Chana took care of my mom for a while.  My mom was only six years old at the time of her mother's death.

Below is a photo showing Aunt Chana’s front yard in Brazil.

Crecenciana's Front Yard in Brazil
My mom wrote on the back of the photo ~
“Aunt Chana’s Front Yard.  I used to play here when I stayed here after my mother Sarah’s death.”
Back of Photo of Crecenciana's Front Yard

Crecenciana passed away on July 29, 1973 in Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Thank you Aunt Chana for your kindness to my mom during a very difficult time.

To see what other Sepia Saturday participants have written about this week, just click HERE.

Thanks for reading!


Copyright © Jana Last 2012


  1. Jana, you have such an interesting heritage! And it's so neat to be able to share it through pictures as well as stories.

    1. Why thank you Jacqi!

      And thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog and for your comment! I appreciate it!

  2. Nice try Jana, and if it were up to me you'd get the prize....if only for sheer determination and effort. Nice to see another picture of Sarah.

    1. Ha ha! Thanks Little Nell! And thanks so much for stopping by! I appreciate it!

  3. You have so many interesting stories to share about your family. Good job on meeting this week's theme requirement.

    1. Thanks Queen Bee! I appreciate your kind comments. And thanks for reading my blog post!

  4. Oh yes, he looks very happy with such a lovely woman on both sides! The dog is so cute too. It's very interesting to hear your family stories, they are a treasure indeed to have!

    1. Hi Karen, Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your kind comments!

  5. Jana, beautiful memories and so interesting. I thought when I read the names that your family came from Spain. Wonderful the thrill of internationality in the family. Very nice and elegant looking people. Yes certainly you win the prize!

    1. Hello Titania! Thank you so much for your kind comments and for following my blog! I really appreciate it.

  6. If there is no price Jana, I'll award you with the famous SotD*-price. I also notice there is a tree growing from Crecenciana's head. Alan will be pleased to see that!
    It was good to see The Traveling Dentist make another appearance, be it in a supporting role this time.
    Thank you for sharing!
    * Similarity of the Day

    1. Thanks for awarding me the Similarity of the Day Award! :) Very nice!

      HA! I didn't even notice the tree growing out of Aunt Chana's head. Extra points for me!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  7. You have such a fascinating ancestry, Jana. I love the family names - Crecenciana Matus Villatoro and Theodor Reinacher - they do so roll off the tongue. I look forward to reading more about them. At least you dont have the problem of being able to identify "your" family line when they have such distinctive names. I am thinking of all the Walter Scott's, Scott Elliot's and Elliot Scott's in my part of Scotland.

    1. Hi Sue, You are so sweet! Thank you so much for your kind comments.

  8. We have a winner! Yes, Jana, you deserve the Sepia Saturday Cup for this look-alike photo. HA. And you know I'm in love with your grandmother's fashion sense. Look at her. That picture could have been taken within this decade. Look at her shoes.

    I'm glad to learn about Aunt Chana and am grateful she had a nickname that was easy to handle.

    1. Hi Wendy! Why thank you very much for the award! Very humbling indeed! ;)

      Yep, it sure seems like Grandma was a fashionista back in the day. I wonder what kind of hats she and Theodor were wearing though.

      Thanks so much for stopping by Wendy!

  9. Hi Jana, I loved this whole post! It does get tricky trying to explain everybody, doesn't it. Your family was so interesting. From traveling dentists to living in Brazil ... I love learning more about you all.

    Kathy M.

    1. Hi Kathy, Thank you so much for your kind comments! You're so sweet.

      Yes, it certainly does pose a problem trying to explain all the family connections sometimes.

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  10. Another great photo of an interesting family. How lovely for your mom to have warm memories of her great aunt ...

    1. Hi ljhlaura,

      Thanks so much for your kind comments! I really appreciate you reading my blog and your comments!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  11. But the dog, what is its name? And it doesn't have a hat. Sweet dog.

    1. Hi Tattered and Lost, Unfortunatley I don't know the name of the dog. But apparently Crecenciana loved dogs. I have a couple other photos of her with her pet dog(s).

      Thanks for stopping by!

  12. What impresses me about the people in the first photograph is how regal they look. Their posture is so good and they look so comfortable. Crecenciana is a very unusual and beautiful name.

    1. Hi Nancy,

      Thank you for your comments! And I agree with you about the name Crecenciana. It is a rather pretty name isn't it?

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

    2. The dog most definitely wants to be in on everything going on.

  13. How interesting they have party hats, just stepping out to have their photo taken. You definitely win the hat prize.

    1. Hi Joy! Oh, perhaps they ARE party hats! I hadn't thought of that! I wasn't sure what kind of hats they were wearing.

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  14. Yes party hats! I kept looking at the photo and thinking that they looked like New Years Eve party hats or maybe Carnival? Small hats or big, your post gets pretty close to the target theme. A winner!

    1. Hi Mike, Thanks so much for stopping by!

      Hmm, Carnival...that would make perfect sense since they lived in Brazil. Thanks for the idea!

  15. Party hats and toys - it must have been a festive occasion - Christmas perhaps. What splendid names - they would roll off the tongue if only I could pronounce them.

    1. Hi Bob,

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

      Yes, perhaps it was Christmas or another festive occasion. It's too bad there is nothing written on the back of the photo telling us more about it.

      Thanks for reading and for your comments!
