Thursday, August 23, 2012

Those Places Thursday–Webster Family Road Trip: Galena, Illinois - Part 1

This is part of a series of posts dedicated to the immigration story of Debs Webster and his family.

Goodbye Chicago, Hello Galena

The next stop on the Webster Road Trip is Galena, Illinois. Why Galena? Well, the Historic Ulysses S. Grant Home is located there. Perhaps Uncle Rollin or someone in his family suggested they make a visit to this historic home.

If so, it looks like they took his advice because the next photos and vintage postcards in Grandpa Debs’ photo album and scrapbook are from their visit to the U.S. Grant Home.

Time for a bite to eat! 

Webster Family in or on way to Illinois
L to R: Standing - My Mom, Willis, Helena
Sitting:  My Uncles
Click to Enlarge
If you look closely at the top of the photograph you can see handwriting by my Grandpa Debs. It says, “de leste a weste em viagem.” Translated loosely from Portuguese to English this says, “On Our East to West Trip.” Grandpa also put the dates on the bottom of the photo – “Jul, Aug 1952.”

What else do you see in the photograph? Of course, there’s the 1951 Chevrolet Sedan behind them. And on the picnic table? Among other things, I see a bottle of milk, a bowl of fruit and a saucepan on top of a portable stove. What can you see?

You may recall from a PREVIOUS POST that the Websters bought camping equipment for their trip. Looks like they put it to good use!

Ulysses S. Grant Home - Vintage Postcards and Photographs

Looks like the Websters arrived safe and sound.  Here they are in front of the U.S. Grant Home.

Webster Family in Front of General U.S. Grant Home Galena, Illinois 1952 Photoshopped
The Webster Family at
The Ulysses S. Grant Home in 1952
Click to Enlarge

General U.S Grant Home
Sign in Front of the U.S. Grant Home
Click to Enlarge

Webster Family in Front of General U.S. Grant Home
Close-up of the Webster Family
in Front of the U.S. Grant Home
Click to Enlarge

 Below is a photo of the U.S. Grant Home from Wikimedia Commons.

US Grant Home Galena Illinois
Ulysses S. Grant Home
from Wikimedia Commons
Photo by Jesster79
Click to Enlarge

Time to share some vintage postcards - Smile

Here's a postcard showing the U.S. Grant Home.

General U. S. Grant Home, Galena, Illinois Vintage Postcard pg. 1
Ulysses S. Grant Home
Vintage Postcard
Click to Enlarge
General U. S. Grant Home, Galena, Illinois Vintage Postcard pg. 2
Back of Ulysses S. Grant Home
Vintage Postcard
Click to Enlarge
   And here we have the Parlor.

Parlor, General U.S. Grant Home - Galena, Illinois Vintage Postcard pg. 1
Parlor of Ulysses S. Grant Home
Vintage Postcard
Click to Enlarge

Parlor, General U.S. Grant Home - Galena, Illinois Vintage Postcard pg. 2
Back of Parlor of Ulysses S. Grant Home
Vintage Postcard
Click to Enlarge

There are four more vintage postcards from my Webster family’s visit to the U.S. Grant Home.  I'll share them with you in the next installment of the Webster Family Road Trip.

Thanks for reading!


Copyright © Jana Last 2012


  1. So there were 6 traveling with all they needed to camp and cook along the way? They were efficient! Looked at the car and remembered the little triangle-shaped windows....sturdy handles for rolling down seat belts, so the kids could lay across laps and take a nap. Great pictures!

    1. Yep, 6 people crowded in a car on a long-distance trip in the summer with no air conditioning. Sounds fun right?

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  2. Is that a jar of honey? Jar of something. And it looks like the Grant house has lost some trees since your family was there.

    1. Hmm, could be a jar of honey, or maybe some water? I see two jars there on the table. One with something clear, the other with a dark substance. Either that or the jar is a dark color. Maybe jam?

      Thanks for stopping by Wendy!

  3. Love the picture of the family in front of the Grant home -- looks like they made the most of their travels ...

    1. Thanks so much ljhlaura! I appreciate you reading my blog and your comments. And yes, it does look like they made the most of their travels.

  4. Hi Jana! What a fun post. I enjoyed seeing everybody doing the things that you do ... riding in the car, eating at a picnic table and visiting the sights to be seen. Thanks for sharing it with us! Um, are you linked up to SS with this post? I didn't see you there, I am replying to your visit to my blog (thank you very much!).

    Kathy M.

    1. Hi Kathy! Thanks so much for your kind comments!

      No, this isn't my Sepia Saturday post...still working on that one. :)

      Thanks for stopping by!
