Saturday, August 18, 2012

Sepia Saturday 139–Iguacu Falls - A Vintage Postcard

Sepia Saturday provides an opportunity for genealogy bloggers to share their family history through photographs.

Sepia Saturday 139 August 18, 2012

This week’s Sepia Saturday theme has to do with salvaged bones with an interesting picture of a man and a dog.  In addition to the obvious theme of an old man and a dog, Alan at Sepia Saturday suggested possible twists on this theme such as explosives, lubricating oil, fire resistant pain, etc.

Well, I’ve decided to really twist today’s theme.  I’m going with the word explosive.  I think it works perfectly with the vintage postcard I’ve decided to share with you today.  It shows the amazing Iguacu Falls on the border of Brazil and Argentina.  According to - South America Travel, Iguacu Falls is taller than and twice as wide as Niagra Falls.

Iguacu Falls Postcard
Back of Postcard

This postcard belonged to my Grandpa Debs and Grandma Willis Webster.  It was printed in Brazil, but I believe they purchased it in San Francisco, as other postcards in this collection have the following stamp on them -

The Merrian-Webster Online Thesaurus defines explosive as -
1. extreme in degree, power, or effect and 2. marked by bursts of destructive force or intense activity .
Also listed are some synonyms that I think fit perfectly with today's postcard:   tumultuous, turbulent, profound, and exquisite.  I love that last one - exquisite!

I think the following Youtube video shows just how exquisite these Falls really are.  Enjoy!

Uploaded by kedarvideo on May 24, 2009

Here are a couple photographs of Iguacu Falls from Wikimedia Commons (click to enlarge the photos):

Iguacu Falls, Brazil - Wikimedia Commons - Martin St-Amant - Wikipedia - CC-BY-SA-3
Iguacu Falls, Brazil
Wikimedia Commons
Martin St-Amant - Wikipedia - CC-BY-SA-3

Iguacu Falls, Brazil - Wikimedia Commons
Iguacu Falls and Brazilian Tourist Complex
Wikimedia Commons
Martin St-Amant - Wikipedia - CC-BY-SA-3.0

For more exquisite Sepia Saturday posts, just click HERE.

Thanks for reading!


Copyright © Jana Last 2012


  1. Yep, "explosive" is the perfect word for those falls. Waterfalls are just magic - so beautiful and so intimidating at the same time.

    1. Hi Wendy! There is something about the power and majesty of waterfalls isn't there? The same can be said about the ocean, which is one of my favorite places to visit. :)

  2. I visited Niagara when I was 12 - pretty awesome for a little girl from Scotland, but the Iguacu Falls are Something Else. Thanks, Jana :-) Jo

    1. Hi Jo, I've never visited Niagra or Iguacu Falls. I'm sure they would both be amazing to see in person!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Very impressive falls! But I missed the Brazilian version of The Maiden of the Mist. Probably to rough there. Thanks Jana

    1. Thanks for stopping by Peter! I appreciate you reading and for commenting!

  4. An ingeneous twist on the theme. I have been lucky enough to visit Niagara and, as you say, the power of the water is stunning.

    1. Why thank you Susan! I'm glad I was able to stay on theme, even if I didn't have any photos of bones at my disposal.

  5. Thank you for pointing us to this wonderful video - absolutely spellbinding. All those explosive words too - I feel a poem coming on!

    1. I'm glad you liked the video. The Falls really are spectacular aren't they? The video of the Falls is so amazing. I can only imagine how beautiful the Falls would be to see in person.

  6. I've been to Niagara but Iguacu is something else. I've watched this video several times today. Thanks Jana.

    1. Hello Bob!

      I'm so glad you enjoyed the video! Whoever filmed the Falls did a splendid job, didn't they?

  7. That's one place I've always hoped to visit - maybe one day. Thanks for sharing the postcard.

    1. Hello Brett,

      Thanks for stopping by! Sounds like you've heard of Iguacu Falls before. I'd never heard of this magnificent place until seeing this postcard and researching for this post. It does seem to be an amazing place to visit.

    2. Hi Jana - Yes, the spectacular falls featured in a memorable film that I saw years ago about a Portuguese Catholic priest, although it may not have been the first time I'd heard of them ... so memorable that I can't remember the name of the film. It was something like "The Convert" or "The Missionary" or something similar.

    3. Just looked it up - it was "The Mission" starring Jeremy Irons as a Spanish (not Portuguese) Jesuit Missionary and Robert De Niro as a slave trader. A powerful film, as I remember.

  8. The postcard does a very good job of demonstrating the power of the falls.

    1. Hi Sheila,

      Thanks so much for stopping by! Yes, I agree with you about the postcard. It does a great job depicting the beauty of the Falls.

  9. Great post - and informative too. And a welcome - and explosive - change from all those old bones.

  10. Wow, quite amazing! Thank you for digging this up to share.

    1. Prenter, Thanks for stopping by! I'm glad you enjoyed my post about Iguacu Falls.

  11. Wow, that is a gorgeous waterfall! I learn so much about geography and history reading other people's blogs ... perhaps this is one more place for my "to visit" list...

    1. Hi ljhlaura, It really is gorgeous isn't it!? I also learn a lot by reading other people's blogs. And I've found that I learn a lot by writing my own blog posts too. I didn't know about these Falls until looking at this postcard and researching for this post.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  12. Jana, what a wonderful post! I really like how you thought outside of the box and came up with the falls being explosive. A very beautiful place to learn about.

    Thanks so much for your visit,

    Kathy M.
