Saturday, August 4, 2012

Sepia Saturday 134–Utah Olympic Park

Sepia Saturday provides an opportunity for genealogy bloggers to share their family history through photographs.

Sepia Saturday 137 August 4, 2012

As my regular readers may have noticed, I didn’t participate in last week’s Sepia Saturday.  I wrote a post titled I'm Back!! which explains why.  In short, I was on vacation with my family.  Yes, it was awesome and fun!

Like many of you, we have been watching the Olympics.  And it seems that the Olympics and sports in general have influenced our themes of late.

I wasn’t sure I would be able to follow the theme this week, but then I remembered we had visited the Utah Olympic Park in Park City, Utah while we were on vacation.  So, I thought I'd share some of the photos we took while we were there.  No, they aren't older sepia photos, but I hope you enjoy them nonetheless.

The Utah Olympic Park is so amazing!  We were especially entertained by the freestyle skiers as they practiced their awesome aerial skiing, ending up in the freestyle splash pool.

Joe Quinney Winter Sports Center

Inside the Alf Engen Ski Museum

Inside the Alf Engen Ski Museum

Inside the Alf Engen Ski Museum

Ski Jumps and the Freestyle Splash Pool

Freestyle Splash Pool - See the Skier in the Air?

Ski Jumps at the Freestyle Splash Pool

Bobsled/Skeleton/Luge Track in the Distance

Nordic Ski Jumps

Nordic Ski Jump

Hope you continue to enjoy watching the Olympics!  I know we will.

To read what other Sepia Saturday participants have written this week, click HERE.

Thanks for reading!


Copyright © Jana Last 2012


  1. That is amazing, that they ski down and land in a pool. I never would have thought of that.

    1. It really was cool to see the skiers practice their aerial stunts!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Is the splash pool part of the training? Interesting. I always wonder how people get up the nerve to do that BIG SCARY thing the first time. Maybe the assurance of a safe splash in the pool helps. I enjoyed looking at your pictures.

    1. Hi Wendy, Yes, the splash pool is part of the training area. In addition to the large ski jumps there was a "baby" jump in a corner (not shown in the photo) where little kids were practicing their jumps into the pool too.

      It really is an amazing facility.

  3. Enjoyed the photos - very interesting place! I did not know about the freestyle splash pool either. You taught me something. Glad you're enjoying the London Olympics - I am as well ...

    1. Hi ljhlaura! I'm glad you enjoyed the photos. I didn't know about the splash pools either until we visited there. It was pretty fun to watch them practice their aerial skiing feats.

      Have fun watching the Olympics! And thanks for stopping by!

  4. Looks like you had a fun trip. Seeing the skiers and the splash pool was surprising. I had no idea this is how they practiced. It's also interesting to see the entire area during the summertime with no snow - looks so different!

    1. Hi Queen Bee! It really was a fun trip! I'm glad I was able to share these photos with everyone who hasn't been to this training facility before. It was quite an interesting place for sure!

      Thanks for stopping by!

  5. Like other readers, this was new to me. I don't think they practice this way in Australia.
    I think it would alot better to learn this way than land badly in the snow!

    1. Hello Sharon,

      I agree with you about landing in the water vs. snow! Much better I think. And very clever too!

      Thanks so much for stopping by!

  6. That looks like a fun day out as part of your vacation. That's quite a ski jump!

    1. Yes, it was a very fun day! Thanks so much for stopping by Little Nell!

  7. Wonderful pictures! Did their skis ever get tangled up when they landed in the water? Who would have imagined that part of training.

    Kathy M.

    1. Thanks so much Kathy! I never saw anyone's skis get tangled up while we were watching. The skiers were so fun to watch and the facility is so amazing. The water in the pool bubbles up as the skier is about to go in. I'm assuming it's to soften the landing in the water. Pretty neat!

  8. As surprised as everyone else! You'd think we'd know everything after watching so much TV coverage, but you beat NBC to the story.

    1. I learned something too on our trip to the Olympic Park. It is pretty cool how they have that splash pool there for training. As my husband pointed out, it's so they can train year-round. Very clever of them!
