This is part of a series of posts dedicated to the immigration story of Debs Webster and his family.
Bye Bye New York, Hello Chicago, Illinois!
Debs Webster and his family are on the road again! This time they are leaving New York and heading to Chicago, Illinois.
In my last POST I mentioned that my uncle had emailed me with some very interesting recollections regarding this trip across the USA. Here’s what he had to say about this leg of their journey:
“We travelled first to Chicago, where Pop’s uncle and some cousins lived. They tried to teach me some English words to no avail. Since I wasn’t using them, I had no retention of the words.”
The uncle he is referring to is Rollin Waterman Webster. He was a brother of my "Traveling Dentist Great-Grandpa" Frederick Webster. I introduced you to sweet Uncle Rollin in this previous POST.
Grandpa Debs’ 1952 photo album shows photos and a vintage postcard from Illinois immediately following those from near Palmyra, New York. With that in mind, I hope I’m correct in assuming they left Palmyra and headed directly to Chicago. If that was the case, then according to GoogleMaps, the trip would have taken about 10 hours!
My uncle also said that my Grandpa Debs was the only one in the group who knew how to drive, so guess who drove the whole way!
According to a letter from Uncle Rollin to my Grandpa Debs, the last time they saw each other was probably sometime before 1923. So I can imagine how exciting this must have been for them to see each other again after so many years! Actually about 29 years! In 1952 Uncle Rollin would have been about 80 or 81 years old.
The photo below of Rollin was taken in June, 1952 in Chicago. The young man behind him is his grandson Billy.
In 1952 Rollin was living at 8937 South Paulina Street in Chicago. According to, his house was built in 1924. Today’s stats say it is 1,087 square feet in size, and has 1 bathroom. It doesn’t list how many bedrooms it has though.
Rollin Waterman Webster and
Grandson Billy in Chicago - 1952
Back of Photo
The following photo of Rollin was taken in 1942 at the Chicago Loop.
Rollin Waterman Webster
at the Chicago Loop - 1942
Back of Photo
Here’s a map of the Chicago Loop from Wikimedia Commons. It was created using Ever heard of it? I hadn’t until I wrote this post. It seems pretty cool. And yes, I’ve added the website to my blog’s Research Toolbox. Here’s the LINK to the Chicago Loop map on
Map of Chicago Loop from
Wikimedia Commons via
I don’t know how long my Grandpa Debs and his family stayed in Chicago visiting Uncle Rollin and his family, but I’m sure they had a wonderful time.
Unfortunately, it is time to get going again for Debs and his family. The next photos and vintage postcard in Debs’ photo album are from Galena, Illinois.
Why did they stop in Galena, Illinois? Tune in next time to find out.
Thanks for reading!
Copyright © Jana Last 2012