Monday, May 9, 2022

I Did It! I'm a College Graduate!

In my previous post I said I would tell you about my graduation from BYU-Idaho. Well, today's the day to share more about my college graduation journey.

Here's a little background history. After graduating from high school I began working in the Word Processing Department of Standard Oil Company (now Chevron Corporation) in San Francisco. I worked there for about a year and then took an educational leave of absence to attend college at BYU-Provo. After two semesters, I was able to come home and work during the summer and went back to BYU-Provo for my third semester. After the third semester I decided to go back home. I did not return to BYU-Provo. Instead I went back to work and then married my sweetheart. We began our family and I was able to be a stay-at-home mom of our five children. Over the years I took some classes at community colleges, but I never earned a degree. All five of our children are married. My husband and I are now empty-nesters and we are grandparents of nine adorable grandchildren. Our tenth grandchild is due this year. I sure do love my family!

A number of years ago I heard about the BYU-Pathway Worldwide Program. This program provides its students with the ability to transfer to BYU-Idaho or Ensign College. And it can be completed all online! In 2019 I applied and was accepted into the BYU-Pathway Worldwide Program. This one-year (three consecutive semesters) program enabled me to begin my college education again. I took a total of fifteen credits at BYU-Pathway Worldwide that transferred over to BYU-Idaho.

In April 2020 I began attending BYU-Idaho as an online student. I decided to complete my two degrees at BYU-Idaho in two years, which meant I would not have a full summer break (April to September) each year. Instead, I took three consecutive semesters each year and had a shortened summer break. It was a lot of work but was definitely worth it to finish sooner.

Thankfully, most, if not all, of my BYU-Provo credits and many of my other college credits transferred to BYU-Idaho which also helped me finish college sooner. I began BYU-Pathway Worldwide in April 2019 and graduated from BYU-Idaho in April 2022 - a total of three years.

I was able to earn two degrees: an Associate of Applied Science in Family History Research and a Bachelor of Science in Professional Studies. Along with other required classes to earn the bachelor's degree, I completed three certificates: Family History Research, Advanced Family History Research, and Administrative Assistant. The family history certificates also counted toward my AAS in Family History Research degree.

I decided to attend my graduation in person and walk across the stage to receive my diploma cover (the actual diplomas are sent in the mail). It was exciting to be there. My husband and I traveled to Idaho and two of our children and their families were able to attend as well, which was amazing!

Two of my local friends graduated with their bachelor's degrees too. They also traveled to graduate in person and we were able to sit together at our convocation. It was great!

I am grateful for the support of my family through my college graduation journey. I am also thankful for the help I received from my Heavenly Father. I know He helped me with my school work through the years.

Thanks for stopping by!


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