Thursday, May 2, 2019

The Webster Dehorning Chute by E. P. C. Webster

Back in April of 2016, I shared the exciting discovery that my maternal 2nd great-grandfather, Ebenezer Perry Carlisle Webster, was an inventor and that he had applied for and had been granted a patent for his invention. If you'd like to read about that, click HERE. Ebenezer, or E.P.C. as he was also known by, invented The Webster Dehorning Chute. It was a device to dehorn cattle.

Recently, while doing research in, I found several ads for Ebenezer's Dehorning Chute invention. Today I'd like to share one of the ads. It's an almost full-page ad on the front page of the Kansas Farmer newspaper, dated Thursday, November 1, 1888.

Under the title "The Webster Dehorning Chute" are the words (Patent Applied For.) Ebenezer's patent was filed on May 22, 1888, and his patent was granted on April 15, 1890.

I'm quite impressed with the size of this ad, and that it is an illustration of how Ebenezer's Dehorning Chute worked.

I decided to save screenshots of each individual illustration and share them here. I also saved a screenshot of the instructions below the illustrations.

Here's the transcription of the paragraphs/instructions under the illustrations:

The foregoing illustrations show the great Dehorning Chute, invented and patent applied for by E. P. C. WEBSTER, of MARYSVILLE, KAS. Our readers know we have published everything that has come under our observation in the way of throwing light on the subject. For some time it has seemed that the question as to "whether or not it was best to dehorn," is settled in the affirmative. But the greater question, as to "How shall we hold the animals?" has been seemingly the only question asked of late on the subject. Mr. Webster has proven equal to the emergency, and has answered the question, and here we have it illustrated in four different views -

The first in the act of dehorning.

The second, with the cow released and ready to walk out.

The third, she has just gone out, and the one that stood behind her is now caught and will soon lose her horns.

The last picture shows the machine loaded on a wagon and the operator en route for another job. It is easily loaded in this position in ten minutes, and unloaded and set up in ten minutes more.

An expert can dehorn a cow per minute as long as they are kept up in the chute behind.

This frame stands in a low, strong wagon-bed. It has movable wings that are attached to the roller on top, by means of which it is drawn against the animal, and steadies it so it can't fall; the head is caught in a stanchion that opens and admits the animals walking through it; the head in the stanchion, the hood is thrown over the head and attached to the little windlass, and a man or boy draws the head to the right and holds it still; as soon as the horns are off, the attendant lets go the windlass crank, and the head is all free in an instant; then the operator, with one motion of his left hand on the two levers on top loosens the body and head both, and out goes the muley.

For large lots of cattle, this chute is set at the head of a long chute, such as is usually used for branding, and this entire length kept full of cattle. As one walks out, they all move up the length of a cow. For small lots, they may be driven into the barn or shed, and the chute set at the door, or into a small yard and the chute set at the gate.
 Write to E. P. C. WEBSTER, MARYSVILLE, KAS., or W. H. RICHARDS, CRESCO, IOWA, Proprietors and manufacturers, for Circulars, mentioning always the KANSAS FARMER.

Preserve this number for future reference.

The discovery of this newspaper ad for my 2nd great-grandfather's invention is quite fascinating and exciting.

I'll share more newspaper finds about Ebenezer in future posts.

Thanks for stopping by!


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