Friday, April 21, 2017

Follow Friday ~ Fab Finds for April 21, 2017

NOTE: There will not be a Fab Finds post next week due to upcoming family activities. Fab Finds will resume on May 5, 2017. Thank you!

My Fab Finds for this week are (in no particular order)
  1. Life Lessons Learned from Old School Records by Patricia Desmond Biallas, author of GeneaJourneys
  2. Family history tip for BUSY parents … by Jana Greenhalgh, author of The Genealogy Kids
  3. Legacy Family Tree Version 9 Released - Lots of New Features! AND Getting Hints on Legacy Family Tree Version 9 Profiles by Randy Seaver, author of Genea-Musings
  4. Releasing Isaac, Agg, and Hannah and Two Slave Name Projects by Diana Elder, author of Family Locket
  5. What Happened to Genealogy Blogging? AND Follow Up & Reflection on ‘What Happened to Genealogy Blogging?’ AND Genealogy Blog Reading Philosophy AND Not Quite “On the Clock,” but Getting There  by Julie Cahill Tarr, author of Julie's Genealogy and History Hub
  6. Are We Nearing the End of Genealogy Blogging? by James Tanner, author of Genealogy's Star
  7. A New To-Do List  by Elise Ann Wormuth, author of Living in the Past: A Family History
  8. Natural Disasters and Family Misfortunes: Galveston 1900 by Wayne Shepheard, author of Discover Genealogy
  9. Win a Free DNA Test on National DNA Day AND Save on DNA Education for National DNA Day by Amie Bowser Tennant, author of The Genealogy Reporter
  10. Genealogy Throw Back Idea That Worked! by Lori Samuelson, author of Genealogy At Heart
  11. Was my Ancestor Insane or Did They Have Encephalitis? by Jennifer Bullard, author of The Genealogy Laboratory
  12. 10 Ways Busy Parents Can Make Time for Family History by Nicole Dyer, author of Family Locket
  13. DNA Day Sales 2017 by CeCe Moore, author of Your Genetic Genealogist
  14. NEW GENEAGEM: THE GATEWAY TO OKLAHOMA HISTORY AND 52 DOCUMENTS IN 52 WEEKS #15: DANISH LAEGDSRULLER -ARMY RECORDS by Linda Stufflebean, author of Empty Branches on the Family Tree
  15. The Forgotten Federal Census of 1885 Can Be Found Online for Free by Melanie Mayo for Family History Daily

New Blog Discoveries

In Case You Missed It….My Contribution to the Blogosphere Last Week

Jana's Genealogy and Family History Blog
Thanks for reading!


© 2017 Copyright by Jana Last, All Rights Reserved

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Happy Easter ~ 2017

Mary and the Resurrected Lord
Image courtesy of

Happy Easter! I'd like to share this very special Easter video with you. It's called "The Prince of Peace: Find Lasting Peace through Jesus Christ."

I'm so grateful for Jesus Christ. I know He is our Savior and Redeemer. I'm thankful for His kindness, mercy and love. I'm so grateful for His atoning sacrifice and for the Resurrection. Because of Him, we will all live again. Through Him we can all find peace. Jesus Christ truly is the Prince of Peace.

I'd like to wish all of you a very Happy Easter.


© 2017 Copyright by Jana Iverson Last, All Rights Reserved

Friday, April 14, 2017

Follow Friday ~ Fab Finds for April 14, 2017

Fab Finds is back! And, my blog is no longer on hiatus. We've been unpacking and settling into our new home. It's going to take a while to get everything the way we want it, but we've been able to accomplish a lot in the three weeks since we moved in. Thank you for your patience!

My Fab Finds for this week are (in no particular order)
  1. 8th Grade Family History Project: My Story in American History by Nicole Dyer, author of Family Locket
  2. Interactive map returns to the Newberry Atlas of Historical County Boundaries by James Tanner, author of Genealogy's Star
  3. Revisiting my ancestor map by Janine Adams, author of Organize Your Family History
  4. Announcing A New DNA And Genetic Genealogy Resource – NationalDNAday.Com by Thomas MacEntee, author of GeneaBloggers
  5. Millions of Immigrants Never Set Foot on Ellis Island – Find Their Records Here by Tony Bandy for Family History Daily
  6. On the Trail of Territorial Records by Dayna Jacobs, author of On Granny's Trail
  7. A Letter from John Hains to his daughter Mary by Linda Hall-Little, author of Passage to the Past's Blog
  8. Butterscotch Cookies by Melinda Bowers, author of Family Heritage Recipes
  9. Channeling The Terminator by Mary Kircher Roddy, author of Searching for Stories
  10. U.S. Army Transport Service Records by Kevin Mittge, author of Robbins Roots
  11. Keep, Toss, or Recycle? What to Do with Your Outdated Media by Caroline Guntur, author of Organizing Photos
  12. Do You Need More Than One Filenaming Scheme? by Denise May Levenick, author of The Family Curator
  13. Guilt Free Multi-Tasking Personal History With Social Media by Devon Noel Lee, author of A Patient Genealogist
  14. What is that Family Cemetery Really Telling You? by Lisa Lisson, author of Are You My Cousin?
  15. Family Recipe Project by Cassandra Chambers Wagner, author of Consanguineous Connections
  16. Family Food History by KTC, author of Princes, Paupers, Pilgrims & Pioneers: Our Predecessors & Me
  17. Legacy Family Tree Webinars Offer Free Weekend of Genealogy Training AND 3 New Ways to Use Hashtags for Genealogy by Amie Bowser Tennant, author of The Genealogy Reporter
  18. Legacy's Family Tree Webinars is Free April 14th through 16th by Randy Seaver, author of Genea-Musings

"May I Introduce To You" Interviews on

New Blog Discoveries

In Case You Missed Them….My Contributions to the Blogosphere Since My Last Fab Finds Post

Jana's Genealogy and Family History Blog
Jana's Place

Thanks for reading!


© 2017 Copyright by Jana Last, All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

My Updated Family Tree DNA myOrigins Results

Family Tree DNA recently updated myOrigins. The update changed my previous myOrigins map and ethnic makeup percentages.

Here's my previous myOrigins map as of 6 May 2014.

And here's my updated myOrigins map as of 7 April 2017.

Notice that the reference populations have different colors assigned to each one. And, the assigned colors in the Ethnic Makeup chart match the colors on the map.

Iberia is purple in the chart and on the map. Check out what happened when I hovered my cursor over Iberia in the chart (see below). Spain and Portugal remained purple on the map and every other reference population on my map turned gray. 

That same kind of thing happened as I hovered my cursor over the other reference populations in my Ethnic Makeup chart. Each reference population on the map stayed the same color as the corresponding color on the chart, and the rest of the reference populations turned gray.

With the recent update, my Ethnic Makeup percentages changed too. The previous Ethnic Makeup percentage chart on the left is from 2014 and the one on the right is the updated chart.

In case these charts are difficult to read, here's the breakdown of the results:

Previous myOrigins Ethnic Makeup Results

Jana Last - Ethnic Makeup - 6 May 2014

European 85%
European Northlands 36%
European Coastal Plain 17%
North Mediterranean Basin 16%
European Coastal Islands 16%
New World 7%
Bering Expansion 7%
Middle Eastern 5%
North African Coastlands 5%
East Asian 2%
Asian Northeast 2%
Central/South Asian 1%
Eurasian Heartland 1%
African 1%
Niger-Congo Genesis 1%

Updated myOrigins Ethnic Makeup Results

Jana Last - Ethnic Makeup - 7 April 2017
European 80%
Scandinavia 45%
Iberia 23%
West and Central Europe 12%
New World 10%
North and Central America 10%
Middle Eastern 6%
North Africa 3%
West Middle East 3%
Trace Results
East Central Africa <2%
Southeast Asia <2%
West Africa <2%
British Isles <2%

The updated British Isles result is surprising. My research shows that my maternal great-grandfather’s ancestry is from the British Isles.

The New World result isn’t surprising. Family Tree DNA states that this cluster includes Native populations. My AncestryDNA ethnicity estimate also lists Native American ethnicity at 10%. I attribute this result to my Mexican ancestry through my maternal great-grandmother, Esther Matus Villatoro, who was born in Arriaga, Chiapas.

I realize that these are just estimates, but they are quite interesting.

Have you had your DNA tested? Were you surprised by your results?

Thanks for stopping by!


© 2017 Copyright by Jana Iverson Last, All Rights Reserved

Monday, April 10, 2017

National Siblings Day 2017

It's National Siblings Day! While searching for photos of my brothers and myself, I found this sweet photo of us with our Grandpa, Debs Warren Webster.

This photo was taken at our Grandpa and Grandma Webster's home in Hacienda Heights, California.

Happy National Siblings Day!


© 2017 Copyright by Jana Iverson Last, All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Celebrating 5 Years of Blogging

Wow! It's my 5th blogiversary! I've been so busy with everything around here that I actually forgot about it until I saw some kind congratulations on Facebook.


I'd like to thank you, wonderful readers, for taking the time to read my posts over the years. I'd also like to thank you for your comments and for sharing my posts on social media. You guys are awesome!


Unfortunately, I haven't been posting as much on my blog this past year as in previous years. Last year was an incredibly busy and eventful year in our family. Two of our children got married, we bought a new-construction home, put our old home on the market, sold it, found a rental home to live in while our new home was being built, moved to our rental home, and then moved to our new home a couple of weeks ago.

We are still in the process of unpacking. This photo was taken almost a week ago. I was actually able to unpack several of thosee boxes and the pile was getting smaller. Unfortunately, the pile has grown again since we moved boxes inside from the garage last night. Sigh....It will be so nice to finally have everything unpacked. It really takes a lot of time to find new places for everything after moving to a new home.

So, with all that's been going on, something had to give, and that something was writing in my blog. Once things settle down and I get back into a somewhat more normal routine, I will hopefully get back to blogging on a more regular basis.


Here are some highlighted posts from last year (since my last blogiversary):

Ebenezer Perry Carlisle Webster ~ Inventor of The Webster Dehorning Chute - April 11, 2016

My Speaking Engagement in June - May 26, 2016

I Found Sweet Edna Lillie Webster's Death Record - June 8, 2016

More Proof That It's Worthwhile To Have Your Family Tree Online - June 22, 2016

Joyful Times ~ Adding a New Daughter-in-Law's Name to My Genealogy Database - July 5, 2016

A House for Sale and a Wedding - August 16, 2016

More Joyful Times ~ Adding Another New Daughter-in-Law's Name to My Genealogy Database - September 12, 2016

A Precious Photo of Chester Malvin Iverson - March 1, 2017

Thank you to my husband, family, friends, fellow genealogy bloggers, and all of my wonderful readers who follow along with me as I share my family history through blogging.

Thanks for stopping by!


© 2017 Copyright by Jana Iverson Last, All Rights Reserved