Friday, September 27, 2013

Follow Friday ~ Fab Finds for September 27, 2013

My Fab Finds for this week are (in no particular order)
  1. More new features to FamilySearch Family Tree by Genealogy's Star
  2. Lincs To The Past by Ruth's Ancestors
  3. 12 Ways to Find Your Ancestor's Address by The Ancestor Hunt
  4. You Never Know What is Hidden in the Records by Carol Kostakos Petranek for Meridian Magazine
  5. Check Your Genea-Horoscope Here by Clue Wagon
  6. Failed Genealogy TV Pilots AND Genealogy Roadshow: Review of the Nashville Episode by Thomas MacEntee for GeneaBloggers
  7. How to get on The The Genealogy Roadshow by Nutfield Genealogy
  8. The Governor Austin Peay Letter by Sweet Tea, Tart Lemons & Memories
  9. Finding Barbara ... when nothing agrees! by Adventures in Genealogy
  10. Creating Genealogy Timelines by Genealogy Decoded
  11. Creative Thinking for Genealogy by Jen Baldwin for
  12. Walking in Their Footsteps by Begin with 'Craft'
  13. Four Steps To A Family History Timeline by The Armchair Genealogist
  14. Tuesday's Tip - Embracing OneNote by Anglers Rest
  15. "Reading" a Family Photo Album by Maureen A. Taylor – Photo Detective for Family Tree
  16. Pay it Forward Opportunity... by The Social Media Guide for Ancestral Research
  17. "PublicProfiler Worldnames" -- A Surname Search Resource by Filiopietism Prism
  18. Do my kids know "What kids should know about their family's history?" by From Here to There – A Searcher's Tale
  19. Thankful Thursday: With a Little Help From My Friends by Jollett Etc.
  20. Note from The Civil War by Heritage Happens
  21. My great-great-grandmother's brooch by Janelle's family tree addiction
  22. This Ain't Your Grandparents' Genealogy by Talking Box Genealogy

New Blog Discoveries

In Case You Missed Them….My Contributions to the Genealogy, Photo Blog, and Vintage Postcard Blogosphere This Week

Jana's Genealogy and Family History Blog
Grandpa's Postcards
Jana's Photo Journal

Thanks for reading!
© 2013 Copyright by Jana Last

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Grandpa Arthur and His Mandolin

I've seen this photo before and I love it! It's a photo of my paternal grandfather, Arthur Harry Iverson, playing a mandolin. I've shared this photo with you in a previous post. But, I don't think it was as clear as this photo.

My sister-in-law has been working on scanning slides given to her by my cousin's wife. This photo was from one of those slides. These slides were found at my Aunt Joan and Uncle Alan's home. Sadly, my Aunt Joan and Uncle Alan passed away several years ago.

Arthur Iverson playing a mandolin

I was thrilled to see this new-to-me photo (below) that my sister-in-law had scanned. It looks like Arthur loved to play his mandolin! I wonder who's car that was. Arthur was a mechanic, so it could have belonged to a client. Don't you love that hand crank in the front of the car? Awesome!

Arthur Iverson holding a mandolin standing in front of an automobile

It appears that Arthur came from a musical family. This is what my dad, Jan Iverson, wrote in his personal history about his father Arthur. My dad actually wrote this as part of his mother's eulogy, and included it in his personal history.
"I can also remember that both mother and Arthur played the accordion and filled the home with music.  Arthur must have been musically inclined, as I have found out since that his older brothers played guitars and violins and also made the instruments."

Oh, how I wish I knew if my Grandpa Arthur's mandolin and the guitars and violins his brothers made and played were still around somewhere. Could they be hiding in a relative's attic or basement? If so, I'd love to see them.

I wonder if this musical talent is in the genes and has been passed down to Arthur's great-grandchildren, because all of our children are musically talented. All five of them sing and learned to play at least one instrument. The instruments our kids learned to play include the piano, trumpet, guitar, and mandolin. Yep! That's right! One of our sons bought his own mandolin several years ago. And at the time he bought it, he was unaware that his Great-Grandfather Arthur also played the mandolin. How fun is that?!

Thanks for reading!


© 2013 Copyright by Jana Last

Friday, September 20, 2013

Follow Friday ~ Fab Finds for September 20, 2013

Cropped White Poppy 600dpi Cropped
My Fab Finds for this week are (in no particular order)
  1. Find A Grave revisited AND The company you keep AND Reading between the lines by The Legal Genealogist
  2. Copac update: The National Archives Library added by The Family Recorder
  3. Military Monday – Piecing Together the Story by Generations
  4. Are you getting fewer blog comments? by Genealogy Leftovers
  5. Getting the Most from Message Groups and Mailing Lists by Thomas MacEntee for
  6. The Fork in the Road and the Road Less Traveled By; Remembering and Honoring Our Heritage by Valerie Elkins for Family Storytelling
  7. Preserving Scrapbooks From The Past: Canon DSLR vs. Flip-Pal AND Printable Calendars, Planners and MORE! by Not Your Mother's Genealogy
  8. Those Places Thursday: 1717 Shearn, Houston, Texas, circa 1908-09 by ABT UNK
  9. Urgent Need for Volunteers to Help Clean Up Chapel Heights Memory Gardens, Marion Township, Marion County, Ohio by Exploring almost forgotten gravesites in Ohio
  10. My Summer "Vacation" by The Turning of Generations
  11. "Genealogy Roadshow" Sept. 23 Debut Investigates Family Stories in Nashville by Diane Haddad for Genealogy Insider – Family Tree Magazine
  12. My Number 1 App for the Family History Traveler! by The Armchair Genealogist
  13. Free APG Webinar - Working with Autosomal DNA: Intermediate/Advanced Applications by GeneaWebinars
  14. 5 Online Places to Begin Your Search for Czech Ancestors by Kimberly Powell for – Genealogy
  15. Riding a Wave of Eastern European Resources by The Who Hunter
  16. Solving The Mystery Of Nellie Jane… Mostly by AncestorQuest
  17. GOOGLE EARTH AND TIME TRAVEL by On Granny's Trail
  18. Follow Friday: Prisoners of The Revolution by Carolina Family Roots

New Blog Discovery

In Case You Missed Them….My Contributions to the Genealogy, Photo Blog, and Vintage Postcard Blogosphere This Week

Jana's Genealogy and Family History Blog
Grandpa's Postcards
Jana's Photo Journal

Thanks for reading!

© 2013 Copyright by Jana Last

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Three Webster Siblings in 1922

Isn't this a wonderful photo? Besides the thrill of seeing the faces of our dear ancestors, it's also interesting to see the fashions of their day.

These three cute kids are (from left to right) my Grandpa Debs Warren Webster and his sisters Carlota Adelia Webster and Edna Lillie Webster.

They are three of the five children born to my Traveling Dentist Great-Grandfather Watson (Frederick) Emory Webster and my Great-Grandmother Esther Matus Villatoro.

Debs, Carlota, and Edna Lilie Webster
Left to Right - Debs, Carlota and Edna Lillie Webster

As you can see from the writing on the back of the photo (thank you Grandpa Debs for writing this!), the photo was taken in Irapuato, Guanajuato, Mexico on December 26, 1922, the day after Christmas. Thankfully, my Grandpa Debs also recorded their ages at the time this photo was taken:

Edna – 11
Carlota – 13
Debs – 9

Debs, Carlota, and Edna Lilie Webster - back of photo

This photo was taken three years after the death of their mother Esther, and about a year or so before sweet little Edna Lillie's death. Of the five children born to Watson and Esther, my grandfather Debs and his sister Carlota were the only children to survive to adulthood.

Now what these three were doing in Irapuato, Mexico, I couldn't tell you.  But of course we have to remember that they are the children of "The Traveling Dentist."

Thanks for reading!


© 2013 Copyright by Jana Last

Friday, September 13, 2013

Follow Friday ~ Fab Finds for September 13, 2013

My Fab Finds for this week are (in no particular order)
  1. THERE'S Patsey! It Has Been a LONG LONG Search by Reflections From the Fence
  2. FamilySearch & Ancestry Partnership Frequently Asked Questions AND Photos and Stories Update by FamilySearch Blog
  3. Online timelines for your genealogy by Kinfolk News
  4. Launch of the Biographical Database of Australia by Jenny's Genealogy Blog
  5. Legacy Family Tree 8 Revealed - Automated Sorting by Legacy Family Tree News
  6. Disaster Preparedness for Genealogists: Assess Your Assets Part 1 by Lisa Louise Cooke's Genealogy Gems
  7. A Big Surprise! - My GG-Grandfather Served in the Civil War!! by Teach Me Genealogy
  8. There is Hope for Estranged Family Members! by What Do You Mean We're Irish?
  9. Breaking News: Scientists Pinpoint the Origins of Piles of Genea-Crap by Clue Wagon
  10. Tuesday's Tip: Even More 10-Minute Genealogist Tips by Climbing My Family Tree
  11. Wordless Wednesday: TEAL There Is a Cure by Jollett Etc.
  12. The 1920s and 1930s: An American Era Like No Other by GeneaJourneys
  13. Organizing all the genealogy stuff by Genealogy's Star
  14. Put Some Heart into it. How to Share Your Family History Stories. by Family Cherished
  15. Year 12… never forget by The Legal Genealogist
  16. Massachusetts Remembers 9/ll With Memorial and Names by Life From The Roots
  17. An Amusement Park Ride Patent by my Great Great Grandfather by Nutfield Genealogy
  18. The Cemetery Santa by Ancestral Breezes
  19. Proven! My Loyalist Lineage From John Ryckman of Barton Township by Looking 4 Ancestors
  20. Lost in time by Leafing through Linda's Tree
  21. How to Become a BillionGraves Android Beta-tester by BillionGraves Blog

New Blog Discoveries

In Case You Missed Them….My Contributions to the Genealogy, Photo Blog, and Vintage Postcard Blogosphere This Week

Jana's Genealogy and Family History Blog
Grandpa's Postcards
Jana's Photo Journal

Thanks for reading!

© 2013 Copyright by Jana Last

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Remembering 9/11 Twelve Years Later –“The Unthinkable Has Happened!”

Patriot Day – September 11, 2013

This is a reprint from last year's post with an edit to make it current as of today's date.

WTC-Wreckage-exterior_shell_of_south_tower - Public Domain
World Trade Center Wreckage
Wikimedia Commons
Public Domain

At the Pentagon after Attack - US Navy Took Photo - Public Domain - Wikimedia Commons
Flag at Pentagon on September 12, 2001
Wikimedia Commons
Public Domain

“The unthinkable has happened!” Those are the words I wrote as I began writing about 9/11 in my journal. I can’t believe it’s really been eleven twelve years now since it happened. Thomas MacEntee of GeneaBloggers suggested we write a post recalling our memories of that horrific day.

I live on the West Coast. I was awake when 9/11 happened, getting ready for the day. FoxNews was on our TV. An alert came on saying a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center. We thought it was just a terrible accident. But then the next plane crashed into the other tower. My husband saw it happen live on TV. Then we knew it was no accident. We were being attacked. We watched this all unfold as if mesmerized. I wrote in my journal that I felt like I was in a nightmare. I was in shock. I went through the motions of getting the kids to school but was gripped with fear of what had just happened.

Our five kids ranged in age back then from high school age down to elementary school. I remember taking my youngest kids to elementary school and as we were waiting out on the playground for the bell to ring, a strange and foreign thought ran through my mind. The vague thought of concern about planes that were in our skies that morning. We live not too far from an Air National Guard station.  Also our city airport isn't too far away. I really wasn't too concerned about our little corner of the world, but still.

After coming home from taking the kids to school, I was of course glued to the television, watching the horrific and unbelievable events of the day taking place.

Then there was the void of airplanes in the sky in the coming days. That was very eerie.

Because we live close to an Air National Guard Fighter Wing, those planes kept flying, but no commercial planes were in the air. One of my sons, who was in elementary school at the time, woke up at 4:00 am on Wednesday morning. He woke me up and said he heard an airplane - he was scared. I told him that it was the military—that it was one of ours. I wrote in my journal, “Isn’t that pathetic that I would have to say those words to one of my children?”

Our world has changed since 9/11. Our sense of security has changed as well. We had the attack at Pearl Harbor, but that was a generation or two ago. Now our generation has it’s own attack on U.S. soil to remember.

I hope that we will always remember 9/11 and those who perished that day, as well as those who risked their lives trying to save others.

And I hope we remember those in the military, some who have made the ultimate sacrifice, who willingly serve so that we can enjoy freedom and safety.

Thanks for reading.


© 2013 Copyright by Jana Last

Monday, September 9, 2013

Happy Grandparents Day!

Yes, I'm a day late in posting this, as National Grandparents Day was yesterday, but, better late than never right?

I had shared the following photos of my grandparents on Facebook, and decided to share them on my blog too.

So, in honor of National Grandparents Day, here are some photos of my grandparents.

I love this photo of my paternal grandparents Arthur Harry Iverson and Ingrid Anna Gillberg before they were married. The photo is attached to a page from one of my Grandma Ingrid's Books of Remembrance.

Arthur Iverson and Ingrid Gillberg in 1930

Thank you Grandma Ingrid for including a description of this photograph! This is what Grandma Ingrid wrote underneath the photo:
Arthur Hary Iverson and myself Ingrid Anna Gilberg
Taken before we were married. A time exposure.
I'm not sure why she spelled Arthur's middle name as Hary. It's actually Harry. And she spelled her last name as Gilberg. Over the course of time, I've seen her last name spelled Gilberg, Gillberg, and even Gilbert in documents.

I also love that Ingrid wrote "A time exposure" under the photo. I wonder how long Arthur and Ingrid had to sit still while their photo was taken.

This next photo shows my maternal grandparents Debs Warren Webster and his first wife Sarah Vasques Madeira. They were both born in Brazil and that's where this photo was taken.

Debs  Webster And Sarah Vasques Madeira

Sadly, Sarah passed away in 1942 when my mom was a little girl.

Debs married his second wife, Willis Quillin, in 1944.

This is a photo of Debs and Willis with me as a baby. My Grandpa Debs and Grandma Willis were very loving and kind. I miss them.

Grandma Willis and Grandpa Debs Webster holding Jana

I never knew my maternal grandmother Sarah Vasques Madeira or my paternal grandfather Arthur Harry Iverson. Arthur passed away when my father was a small boy.

I love my grandparents, including the grandparents I never knew in this life.

Thanks for reading!


© 2013 Copyright by Jana Last

Friday, September 6, 2013

Follow Friday ~ Fab Finds for September 6, 2013

My Fab Finds for this week are (in no particular order)
  1. The Book of Me, Written by You, Prompt 1 by Anglers Rest
  2. More Adventure Than Anticipated by (Mis)Adventures Of A Genealogist
  3. They're Not Just Records. . . by My Ancestors and Me
  4. You’re invited by Who Knew?
  5. How I found a Cousin Using Newspapers and Only Newspapers by The Ancestor Hunt
  6. I've Been Working on the Railroad: Resources by Gena's Genealogy
  7. Motivation Monday - September goals by Cousin Linda
  8. and FamilySearch to Make a Billion Global Records Available Online by GeneaPress
  9. Genealogy By the States – Week 35 – West Virginia by Julie's Genealogy & History Hub
  10. Future Developments in FamilySearch Family Tree by Genealogy's Star
  11. I’M GIVING IT AWAY … AGAIN! – CATHOLIC STYLE by Are My Roots Showing?
  12. Nearly Wordless Wednesday - Restoring John and Kate's House AND Treasure Chest Thursday - Family History Handwritten on a Church Brochure by The Pendleton Genealogy Post
  13. The Brotherhood of the Traveling Bible by Remembering Family
  14. Percy Haley Identified by Are You My Cousin?
  15. Why A Genealogy Blog? by This I Leave
  16. Happy 3rd Blogiversary to me! by Leaves & Branches
  17. Not Everything You Read Is True by Ellie's Ancestors
  18. Becoming an Old Timer by I remember you…
  19. Finding Barbara by Adventures in Genealogy
  20. The Intensity of His Gaze by A Southern Sleuth

New Blog Discovery

In Case You Missed Them….My Contributions to the Genealogy, Photo Blog, and Vintage Postcard Blogosphere This Week

Jana's Genealogy and Family History Blog
Grandpa's Postcards
Jana's Photo Journal

Thanks for reading!

© 2013 Copyright by Jana Last

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Wednesday's Child ~ Remembering Carl Martin Gillberg

Carl Martin Gillberg was the third of nine children, and the only son, born to my paternal great-grandparents Carl Albert Gillberg and Hilda Maria Carlsson.

Carl Martin was born on November 12, 1904 in Eskilstuna, Södermanland, Sweden and passed away on January 23, 1906. He was only one year and two months old when he died.

In one of my
Grandma Ingrid's Books of Remembrance, I found the following page (it's a large page and I'm only showing part of it here).

Pg 27

Sadly, the place for little Carl Martin's picture is empty.

It appears that he was called by his middle name Martin. I'm assuming this is because his father's name was Carl.

Here is Carl Martin's birth record
1 in Sweden:

Carl Martin Gillberg - Sweden Indexed Birth Records

Here's a cropped version of the document above just showing Carl Martin Gillberg's birth record.

Carl Martin Gillberg - Sweden Indexed Birth Records

I wish I knew what the note in the far right column says. If anyone can read Swedish and would like to help me out with this, I would very much appreciate it. Here's a closer look at that far right column.

I looked through my Grandma Ingrid's Books of Remembrance and couldn't find any information about Carl Martin's cause of death, although Ingrid mentioned that Carl was a healthy child. From what she also wrote, it sounds like Carl was a big boy and was large for his age.

Three years after Carl Martin's death, the family began immigrating to the United States. Part of the family left in 1909 and the rest left Sweden in 1910.

Thanks for reading!


© 2013 Copyright by Jana Last

1 Swedish Church Records Archive; Johanneshov, Sweden; Sweden, Indexed Birth Records, 1880-1920; GID Number: 79.147.34100; Roll/Fiche Number: CK2837; Volume: SCB; Record Type: Födde (Births); Year Range: 1898 - 1920. Sweden, Indexed Birth Records, 1880-1920 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations, Inc., 2011. Original data: Swedish Church Records Archive. Johanneshov, Sweden: Genline AB.